Please don't spend money on this.
Good story, Not enough for a whole film
If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
This is a really, really great documentary, that covers a topic many aren't aware of. It is interesting to see how China has become the villain that never gets caught. What seems like a nightmare for America, is, in fact, a paradise for the Chinese people, that continually feed the beast, which is the money making machine AKA China. Through fraudulent actions, this country continues to surprise the world with its booming economy. I'm curios to see how things are going to evolve and whether we are headed to another financial cris or not.
Alexia Verona (idontknowiknowthatidontknow)
Basically this is a cycle of greed that is natural among humans, so there are no good guys in the film as it aptly pointed out in the first few minutes.A. so you have the investment bankers and lawyers encouraging micro Chinese businesses to enlist through reverse mergers in USA so can make a fee.
B. The CEOs of these small Chinese businesses do it so they can get more funding for their businesses and make a killing on the shares they already own. Some of them just outright steals from the company later on.
C. Short sellers finding their reporting too good to be true and does genuine due diligence and discovers fraud. They short the stock and publishes their findings. Again they make money.The Chinese cannot be prosecuted because they're in China, and the government doesn't want to do anything about it.I don't like how this geo investing guy acts like some robin hood trying to stand up for the people. He knows it's all about making a buck otherwise he would distribute the short profits to the investors of the companies he shorted. So basically the film is saying that when there's opportunity for money to be made, people will do it be it legal or not; aka greed.
NOTHING China does surprises me. This documentary put a lot of people in the hot seat- as it should.
The only way to beat them is to expose them. Keep up the good fight!It's downright criminal how they robbed people. How is this not like robbing a bank? I definitely recommend this. It should be mandatory in our schools. Z3
The documentary highlights a little-known scam on the US stockmarket: the fraudulent sale of so-called "high growth" Chinese stocks through reverse takeovers of so-called shell companies. In itself that story would have been worthy of consideration.
However, the producers and director have elected to weave this into a critical narrative of capitalism and the US economic institutions which distracts from the main story.
One of the highlights of the movie is when they document how little US banks, regulators, stockbrokers, investors, etc. knew about China in the first place. This story was not so much about the corruption or weakness of US institutions against the alleged malevolence of scheming Chinese (and American) stock-pushers, but about the ignorance of Americans about the rest of the world. I'm holding my breath about the sequel to come about the next wave of sham investments about India, Africa, or another place Americans know little about.