Wow! Such a good movie.
Good movie but grossly overrated
Absolutely the worst movie.
The acting in this movie is really good.
TC starts with a quote by Houdini: "Over the years, I have exposed numerous spiritualists and clairvoyants as charlatans… but the mesmerizing powers of Mordecai Zymytryk still to this day baffle and haunt me… "Some people are easily baffled and haunted, aren't they? Evidently, Houdini had been royally played by a top-notch charlatan, and perhaps by "numerous" he meant "two and a half", and perhaps by "mesmerizing" he meant "sexy and irresistible". (Houdini: a closet gay?). Houdini may have been a master escape-artist, but he was certainly no intellectual, as is evident from this miserable statement. Certainly if he could see this movie now, he'd have second thoughts about Mordecai, and he might cringe more than a bit for being the provider of this quote – not to mention being associated with this cheap B-movie.Considering how the script attempts to build up Zymytryk as an omnipresent magic god of sorts, it was rather surprising and highly puzzling to have this supposedly brilliant death-defying powerful witch-master turn out to be such an utter failure. Mr. Z pretty much gets everything wrong in the highly moronic "grand finale"; he messes up his own plan, allowing a ghost of a dumb child-murderer to outwit him. I guess there is only so much power you can have, even with three Ys and one Z in your name.One way of starting an awful movie is certainly shoving a useless dumb quote in the viewer's (hopefully tiny) brain, followed by cheap titillation. By this I mean the early scene in which the blond masturbates in a bathtub; cheap because we don't get to see her boobs, which is fairly annoying. I've always maintained that if your script sucks, the least you can do is undress your actresses. (Unless they happen to be Vanessa Redgrave or Ellen Degeneres, in which case you pay them to keep their clothes on.)One way of continuing a movie as bad as this is to make sure that the blood looks like Heinz ketchup and that there is practically no tension in any of the scenes. The fact that a perky blond is trying hard - but failing - in being menacing makes things worse. That ensures that the overall crapiness is maintained at a consistently high level.One way of concluding a bad movie is to turn the kid (who's an awful actor) into Damien. Certainly a successful ending – if crap is what you aimed for all along. And from what I've seen during these laughable 90 minutes, that is exactly what the film-makers wanted. They set out to make garbage and they ended up with garbage: mission accomplished, so everyone can go home and pour their Heinz ketchup on their cold low-budget pizzas.TC's obvious B-movie roots ensure that its very fake-looking ketchupy blood holds as much eerie power as a farm chicken hatching eggs. Like most modern B-movie horror films, TC is an abysmal failure. A weak soundtrack, mediocre camera-work, and average/sub-par actors make this an experience worthy of immediate deletion from the mind. You don't need to have Alzheimers to completely obliterate the memory of these 90 minutes just an hour after its viewing.The blonde's sister is fairly cute. That's about it.
...about this derivative, uninvolving tale of pseudo-supernatural folderol. Director Brett "Ginger Snaps 2: Unleashed" Sullivan is primarily a film editor, and I would suggest that he should stick with that calling. Screenwriter Michael Capellupo is a marginal actor who should stick with that profession as well; his script for this bit of ultra-low budget boredom has all the pizazz of a textbook. The acting is mostly wooden, the cinematography might be passable for talking-head television, and the production values...well, the thing was shot almost exclusively in the director's home, so that should tell you something.Don't get me wrong; I actually admire these folks for doing something outside the domain of the Hollywood system...heck, outside the domain of almost any system...but am compelled to remind such folks that the "Hey! Let's make a movie, kids!" mindset is nowhere near enough to produce a worthy film. You need a decent script, first of all, and then you need good actors who can actually bring it to life, and hopefully with the guidance of a director who knows how to visually tell a compelling tale. "The Chair" has none of these things.Thank goodness for the public library, which gave me the chance to see this fast-forward special at no cost (beyond whatever fraction of my taxes went to purchasing the poor, benighted thing). I can only hope that it's quickly sold off at the annual inventory-reduction sale to make room for better material.Not to be bothered with, despite anything else you might read here or elsewhere. You've been warned.
At the 30 minute point of The Chair, I was truly getting enjoyably creeped out. It was relatively standard "strange phenomena in creepy old house" fare, but it was done with just the right combination of discomforting lighting and sound to get under my skin. The lead actress was extremely appealing too, both easy on the eyes and approaching her character from a refreshingly intelligent standpoint. The quote on the case that led me to rent it said something along the lines of "achieves the same atmosphere as the Changeling or Amityville"... and for those first 30 minutes or so, it really did. There's one scene with a chair in a hallway that is frankly terrifying.But then a possession-style plot kicked in which, while still fairly entertaining, was nowhere near as powerful as the opening. The final half of the movie fell into a more mundane indie movie style, lost almost all of its creepiness, and sadly got a little unbelievable too. If the director had had the restraint to follow the tone of the first half through to the end it could have been a masterpiece in the haunted house genre. As it stands it's just another indie - far above average at first, then just average after that...
Although a bit confusing, I found the chair to be an alright movie for such a low budget film. It started off with a bit of creepiness and led to some confusing twists and turns and I only say confusing because some audio wasn't all that great but maybe that is what they were going for. Ovverall though it had a nice psychotic/ possession feel and the ending although predictable was kinda what I was hoping for. If you have seen a lot of the horror lately I am sure you are disappointed but this was higher than my expectations for it. I would recommend if you have like Blockbusters movie pass or a friend is paying to watch it. Not a complete waste of time.