SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
Nayan Gough
A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Paul Magne Haakonsen
This movie had potential, I will definitely say that much.But it ended up being a less than mediocre movie, because it turned out to have a storyline where you just don't immerse yourself.The characters were flat and one-dimensional, and that ultimately started to quickly deflate the movie. Why would you immerse yourself into the movie and its universe if you didn't care about the characters that were in that particular universe?"The Carrier" had fairly good acting performances, despite the actors and actresses having very little to work with.The storyline in "The Carrier" was straight forward, although somewhat idiotic as flying around in an airplane is a very temporary means to such a disaster. as fuel becomes a crucial factor very fast.There wasn't a particularly present feeling of a threat from whatever that infection was. And was a crippling anchor around the movie.
For the frightened characters this film is a harrowing plane journey away from disease and death, for the viewer it is an enjoyable flight from superstar blockbusters. In a world where computer effects replace stories and superstar names replace actors, this film attempts to tell a story with honesty and consideration. No overuse of cartoonish CGI, no wisecracking superhero, in fact most scenes don't even have loud music pumping through them because there is actually proper dialogue to listen too instead. What music there is is always well-placed and appropriate, especially the gentler compositions. Certainly, some scenes and situations have been done before, but thats because such scenes are realistic and at any rate, that 'criticism' applies to all movies. Indeed, to all art. This absorbing movie does try to take a couple of unexpected decisions that work well. The Carrier also manages to give the impression of being just one story in a whole complex world of other stories. That in itself is a rare and highly commendable thing.The ending is the perfect consequence of what has gone before. In summary, this a a good take on the pandemic setting; a more than acceptable script is complemented by good performances all round and good use is made of the limited setting.The fact that Billy Clarke isn't an acting superstar is a sure sign that mainstream cinema is in a deep crisis of quality. I'd take The Carrier over SuperDuperMegaHeroPowerMan6 any day, purely on the basis that it is much, much better.
Brian Sohn
This film is definitely good thriller. The characters are acting reasonably, the main dilemmas are actually answered in the movie: 1) why main characters try to stay in a plane: because they believe they can land in non infected city. 2) why infected characters want to board the plane: because they believe somewhere else could be a cure. One note: the movie starts so quick into the plot, kudos to the screenwriter here. SPOILER here: I kinda liked the ending. Basicaly, such kind of story cannot have too good ending anyways. The story quite lags in the middle, because the intentions of some characters are not clear: for instance, what they intended to do with infected on-board, how would they know the amputation even slow down infection etc. The cast is good too, definitely for the genre. The movie is overall better than you would expect and fun to watch (beside the depressing subject), try it out.
The Carrier is a bland and uninteresting movie. The main premise of the movie is that there is a global infection occurring and there is no cure as the infection is resistant to antibiotics. Eight survivors of the outbreak find themselves on a plane leaving from London and soon it becomes apparent that the infection has followed them as there are infected people on board. One of the passengers on board kills some of those that have been infected. But obviously the infection has not been stopped. The plane eventually ends up landing in order to refuel as the pilot wants to proceed to Greenland as there are rumors that there is an infection free zone there. There are also rumors of a cure. The plane is however sabotaged from taking off again an the survivors have to repair the plane if they are to have any hope of continuing. They also have to fight off infected hijackers who want to take over the plane. The acting is relatively bland and most of the effects are bad. Most of the characters are not interesting enough and it's very difficult to get into the dramatic aspect of the film when the drama is mundane. The action is also uninteresting and predictable. The fact that there are other movies with a similar premise which have been done better also doesn't help. Overall this movie is slow paced and uninteresting and does not deserve more than a 3/10.