The Butcher

2006 "Rest in Pieces"
3.6| 1h25m| R| en| More Info
Released: 11 July 2006 Released
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Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A tragic car accident in the middle of nowhere finds six stranded college students fighting for their lives after making a horrifying discovery in a remote farmhouse in director Edward Gorsuch's rural frightener. With no place to run and no police station for miles, these doomed students are about to discover that down home hospitality is the last thing on the minds of the murderous family who stalks them through the woods.


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Edward Gorsuch

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The Butcher Audience Reviews

TinsHeadline Touches You
Micitype Pretty Good
Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
MetalGeek Thankfully, I only paid $3.99 for "The Butcher" from a drug store bargain DVD bin, therefore I wasn't expecting much from it. Good thing, too, because "The Butcher" was utterly derivative, totally nonsensical, and ultimately pretty damned silly all the way through. Take a bit of "Texas Chainsaw Massacre," some of "Wrong Turn," a piece of "People Under the Stairs" and boom, you've got your "Butcher." Even casual horror film viewers will say to themselves "Where have I seen this before?" at least once during its run time."The Butcher" doesn't waste much time with unimportant frills like back story or character development; it just starts with the nasty stuff virtually as soon as the opening credits are finished rolling. A group of annoying twenty-somethings (an obnoxious jock in a "popped collar" shirt, two lesbians, an African-American girl who's in a wedding dress for some nebulous reason, a "nice" guy, and a "tough" girl) are all on their way to Las Vegas for a weekend of partying. They take a supposed "short cut" (never a good idea) down a desolate country road where they're menaced by a scarred guy in a beat up truck. Popped Collar Guy takes offense at this and pursues the truck, which leads to him crashing into a tree and wrecking the car. This also causes one of the lesbians, who'd been hanging out of the sun roof, to get cut in half on a low hanging tree limb. (Ouch!) So our group is now down to five, and after a bit of arguing they set off through the countryside in search of help. Coming to a run down farm house in the middle of nowhere, these morons soon find out that the house is occupied by the "Butcher" of the title and his family of demented rednecks. Poorly staged mayhem ensues. The idiots spend half of the movie barricaded inside the killer's house (!!!), where they wander around looking at filthy rooms full of doll heads, dishes of human bones and other flotsam and saying "What is that?" "I don't know" rather than, say, trying to find the back door, or at least some weaponry to fight back against the killer. About halfway through we meet the Butcher's wife, who hides in the house's basement and who apparently went nuts due to her inability to have a child. After several more (ineffective) death scenes, the "nice guy" manages to escape the house (leaving his friends behind??? Yeah, I know...logic has no place here) and brings a sheriff to the property, but the psycho couple make short work of him and eventually we're down to "nice guy" and "tough chick" for the final showdown. Even if you've never seen the movie, you will probably be able to tell which one of them is going to get out alive."The Butcher" may not be the worst movie I've ever seen, but Lord, it isn't good. The characters are cardboard cut-outs, the killers are Xeroxed from much better films, and the whole thing just comes off pointless and repetitive. Gorehounds who aren't terribly picky may want to check it out because "The Butcher" has more than its fair share of the red stuff but most viewers will just want it to end as quickly as possible.
oRaidRo Can this be possibly the worst movie ever put to celluloid? OK obvious over-the-top characters, frat boy, lesbian's, lonely guy, black token actor and female lead, was this script pulled from the are you smarter then a 5th grader.SPOILERS: 1.first off what was with frat boy not changing the flat 2.who closes the sunroof on there friends while they are hanging halfway out.3.exactly what patch of road did frat boy hit to cause him not to stop the vehicle safely, never mind at such a long distance, unless he was looking for the nearest branch.4.even as obnoxious as frat boy was not even he should have been so callous as to be concern with the car then his friend being cut in half.5.why would everyone leave the car and leave the one girl behind with half a lesbian? 6.why were these supposed young people so winded after running a few feet.7.when the lesbian was running away why couldn't she leave limp-along in the dust? 8.why would frat boy having noticing what was producing the smoke not share this bit of info with his girlfriend at the very least? I can go on and on about the well I won't say plot holes u really need a plot to have holes to begin with, and besides Sophie's Choices (pun intended) going off on her own and not having the strength to fight off some tired old hag, oh yeah never mind having been drowned for all about 20 seconds and her so called friend not even trying to resuscitate her.But what was the deal after having grabbed the sheriff's keys and running right passed a perfectly good escape vehicle? I don't comment much here, actually this maybe my second time, and it's often said there are much worst movies out there, but this is the worst I've ever personally experienced!
slayrrr666 "The Butcher" is a clichéd and stupid, though entertaining slasher.**SPOILERS**Driving to Las Vegas, friends Mark, (Alan Ritchson) Adam, (Tom Nagel) Sophie, (Myiea Coy) Atlanta, (Ashley Rebecca Hawkins) Liz, (Tiffany Christenson) and Rachel, (Catherine Wreford) to celebrate their upcoming graduation. Taking a detour, they become stuck in the wilderness and become stranded. Trying to get out, they happen upon a strange farmhouse out in the woods. Taking it upon themselves to investigate as no one seems to be home, but find no one as well. While they don't find anyone inside, what they do find is enough to spook them and force them to rethink their escape. When the owner shows up, who's a deranged serial killer, and begins to kill them off one-by-one, they try to use their instincts to survive. When it becomes even more apparent that there's more than one killer, they fight harder than before to escape.The Good News: This wasn't as bad as it could've been. This one manages one crucial trick that so many fail, which is to stay watchable when it suddenly veers off into familiarity. This type of scenario has played itself out pretty frequently, yet this one still keeps itself fun and enjoyable. The killer is introduced relatively early, and this means that most of the film is about thinning the cast off, and that leads to numerous scenes where the killer is stalking the group. When one character is trapped in the barn underneath the table where the killer is operating on a victim is particularly intense, and an earlier scene where one victim is trapped inside a car during an assault is it's finest moment. That it soon proceeds into a thrilling chase through the woods is a mere bonus. One other big suspense scene is the attack on the victims inside the walls of the house, as the pickax blasting holes to get at them comes close to nearly hitting them on several occasions and the flight to get out is pretty thrilling. The high body count is also a plus, as there's a tree brunch cutting a victim in half at the waist while they're trapped in a car, a pickax to the head, needles stabbed in the neck, a really gory shotgun blast to the stomach, a hanging on a barbed wire noose and a pitchfork through the stomach only for further killing to be done with a chainsaw, among others that aren't that particularly original. Still, that death is one of the finest in the film, as he repeatedly screams to not kill them even after they've already been impaled to a door. Still, they keep begging and the Butcher feels the need to go get a chainsaw to finish the job. A simply great kill and a solid favorite moment. Another choice moment comes when one lesbian refuses to leave behind her lover's severed torso and drags the upper half into the car to console it. That's the sort of committed relationship that isn't normally seen in a horror film and gives it a little extra that might not normally appear. With an ending twist that is quite thrilling and really sells the film, this one does have some good parts to it.The Bad News: This wasn't as bad as it could've been, but there were still problems. The biggest one is that the film is way to familiar. This type of film has been done numerous times before, and there are way too many spots where the viewer can spot where the scene was lifted from. There are two big ones that can spotted simply from the plot description, but there's at least four or five others that are cribbed pretty regularly. The last half is really one whole movie shoe-horned into the others, and it sticks out by following certain scenes really shot-for-shot. It's pretty distracting. Despite the sheer familiarity, there's rarely been a film that displays this much idiocy in one movie. Every stupid thing they could rally together, they do. They flash and taunt the serial killer. They drive around with people stuck out of sun-roofs. They get blind drunk immediately after the first person gets killed. Then, at the moment when they enter the barn, the biggest insult to our intelligence comes into play so far when one of them says that this kind of thing always happens inside the creepy farmhouse in horror movies. Not only does the movie know that it makes use of every threadbare cliché the genre has to offer, it also has the gigantic brass ones to tell us about them. There's no sense of it being an ironic comment on the situation, it is blindly stated for all to hear, and that is the big mistake. We know it's going to happen, but they don't and to make a comment like that simply shows what this is going to be. The killer is also physically revealed too early and could've benefited from a later reveal, but these are the main problems.The Final Verdict: While it may seem to be simply a knock-off other, more well-known films, this was still a pretty fun time that does manage to entertain. Though that rip-off feel might be enough for most to dismiss this, those that do decide will find much to like. It's simply a matter of whether or not a film being incredibly familiar is enough to warrant a viewing.Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language and Brief Nudity
movielover1989 There is absolutely nothing original in this movie.First Rip: The Girl in the road who has escaped from the psycho is ripped right out of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.Second Rip: Use of a chain saw for graphic death was once again ripped from TCMThird Rip: The group of kids going strait to the killers house is yet again from TCMFourth Rip: Their college Kids! Horror movie's off college kids left and right. come on please. How about some originality.Fifth Rip: The set up car accident is a possible rip from the GOD AWFUL Wolf Creek.Though I never saw wrong turn I have heard that there is a wrong turn feeling to this movie. Bottom line people this movie holds nothing original. It can be avoided but it's not a complete waste.