A brilliant film that helped define a genre
This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Arianna Moses
Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
I partly agree with what Schiccatano says. This does not deserve a 1.It should have been a 0. After reading the ridiculous comment by Schiccatano, I deliberately gave the lowest rating possible.Funny, the secretary of the film company stood out to make a comment, instead of letting the movie speak for itself. Schiccatano mentioned nothing about the script, the acting, or the cast, all of which are poor in this movie. Instead, Schiccatano rambled on and on about how 2 people made the movie with little money and how much money they were making nowadays, and insulted reviewers who gave 1, basically calling them losers without a life.Know this, Schiccatano. The audience has the freedom to give the rating they want to give, and it is not up to you, or any spokesperson from a film production company nobody has heard of.I know that you feel the need to defend the product of the company you represent. But know this: neither you or your company owns the internet, an open platform where all sorts of opinions abound. If you don't like what you read, then simply quit reading online reviews.Last but not the least, give me a good script and I'll direct. I'll wipe the floor with this movie.
I like B movies, and this one was not the best, but definitely worth my $5.00 ... contrary to one of the posts I read before seeing this film. I loved the fight sequences, thought the acting was mediocre, thought the lead Vampire did a good job, thought the score was alright, hated the back-lighting in the opening scene (though it got better right after that), got scared a few times, laughed a few times, got angry a few times (dude, don't get out of the car!) ...and, well, good job and I am glad you guys can make a decent film with no money, and get distribution! I say this because I live in LA, & saw this film while visiting family in Canada... do you have domestic distribution yet? Anyway, well done...
OK, for what it is, it wasn't that bad. Considering it was such a low budget movie I will allow some things like the setting and the really really fake attack scenes, and low sound quality. But honestly, they could have spent a little more on there camera and sound work. They almost seemed to be attempting to remake the effect of "Blair Witch" with the poor visual quality. And even a low budget movie doesn't excuse such poor acting. Most of the characters seem so wooden, as if they were reading the lines for the first time. There was no emotion, no feeling in the delivery. The plot wasn't to bad, though if they spent 9 days writing this movie, perhaps they should have been a little more prepared and waited another 9 to make some much needed repairs. The very definition of a B horror movie, if you want to make fun of a bad movie this is a choice, but not worth the 5 bucks I paid.
Well, Long story short... my friend came down from Canada today, and he brought a couple of horror films with him (we like that type of stuff), so, we watched and laughed through the first two (they were rather lame)... BUT, then we watched The Bloodletting and, after laughing at, and bashing the cover art, I must say... I loved it! It had stupid moments BUT... What movie doesn't? These guys did a great job with nothing and their fight choreography was ABSOLUTELY the best I have seen in this "B-Movie, Horror Film Genre"...PERIOD! These guys have the action thing down! Anyway, I look forward to more movies from Colapsar Entertainment! (Forgive me if I misspelled your company name???)