The Birth of a Nation

1915 "The Fiery Cross of the Ku Klux Klan!"
6.1| 3h13m| PG| en| More Info
Released: 08 February 1915 Released
Producted By: Epoch Film Co.
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Two families, abolitionist Northerners the Stonemans and Southern landowners the Camerons, intertwine. When Confederate colonel Ben Cameron is captured in battle, nurse Elsie Stoneman petitions for his pardon. In Reconstruction-era South Carolina, Cameron founds the Ku Klux Klan, battling Elsie's congressman father and his African-American protégé, Silas Lynch.


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D.W. Griffith

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Epoch Film Co.


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The Birth of a Nation Audience Reviews

Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
statesofunrest It was good during the civil war part. I liked the big battle scenes and the story during that part was interesting enough and everything, but then the second half started and I thought at first maybe the director was going for something that was actually pro-rights for African Americans but then I noticed all the black face, and then the story takes a much darker tone that really wasn't necessary, accurate, and came from a place of ignorance. I know it was a different time, but as the highest selling silent movie of all time, I guess I was expecting something, you know...less racist. Anyway, I guess that shows you that controversy sells tickets, if nothing else.
Steven Smith Jr. Is this film politically incorrect? Absolutely. Was it influential? Yes. Is it historically inaccurate? For the most part, yes. Film is considered art and art has always been considered controversial. This was the first film to gain significant controversy and it wouldn't be the last. The film saying that all blacks are murderers and rapists is no different than Donald Trump saying all illegal immigrants are murderers and rapists. This film came out in 1915, Donald Trump made that controversial statement in 2016, 101 years later. Things clearly haven't changed. You need to be aware that this film is racist or else it might be a bad influence on you. Yes, the movie does portray the KKK as heroic, it does make it seem all blacks are vicious rapists, but I don't believe in banning this movie because it would be the same as trying to pretend this kind of racism and racial prejudice never existed. It should be shown so people can learn from the past and never make those same mistakes again. As for the black face makeup, that was sadly a product of its time, most black characters in movies back then were portrayed by white actors wearing black face paint, it was racist back then and it's racist now. Even though it was politically incorrect, there was no film like this at the time in terms of production and editing. It was the first time people began to take a motion picture seriously. The movie was seen as a book in moving pictures full of drama, excitement, romance and heartbreak. It's just unfortunate one of the most influential movies in history also happens to be the most controversial. If you are aware that this film is nothing but anti-black propaganda, then this movie probably won't turn you into a racist. Almost every open minded person knows that the KKK is a horrible organization that should have never existed. But you should appreciate this movie more for its art and production rather than its message. There's been plenty of other stories with bad messages. Grand Theft Auto V is a video game about trying to become a successful criminal and that game has sold extremely well. This movie should only be seen by those mature and open minded enough to know how racist it is. It shouldn't be seen by a young mind who doesn't know right from wrong.
morganstephens512 Before you click no on the helpful button, you have to understand some things. Yes this film is racist. HOWEVER, a racist film does not instantly mean it is a bad film. In fact there are some great films out there that are racist but it uses the racism to help the story telling. This does that perfectly to the point where you see that this film HAD to be racist to get the message across. Now that we got that across, let's talk about more things I talk about that make me say this is, almost uncomparitively, the best film ever made. First thing to take in is the fact this film is 100 years old by this point. At the time, this was nothing like the world have ever seen before. Yes, films were a thing before, but none were more than a hour long and none were that good. This film was 3, barring 4, hours long. Not only that, but it captured things about basic film making to such a level that most people at the time, and a quiet majority of people today, are able to over look the problem mentioned earlier to see the art this film really was. At the time, this film made over a hundred million dollars in the first year of release. Adjusted for inflation, that means this film had made nearly 2.5 billion dollars at least. Until Gone With the Wind came out, this was by far the highest grossing film of history. I have seen this film five times and it gets better with every viewing. Every second is amazingly made, the over arching theme of the film, while gross and disgusting, at the time didn't offend as many people. Also the theme of the film really captured how some people felt at the time. But the film making of this is so well done and seen that the theme of the film is actually, in some cases, quite interesting. If you are somebody who just not stand the racism part of this movie, only watch the first part. Most people I have asked that had a problem told me that the first half was pretty good and tolerable, it was just the second part that bothered them. There was tons of effort and love put into this film on all cast members. This film was made on a budget of 100,000 dollars and you can see how well that money was spent. The costumes, the camera work, the music, and the lighting are all so well done and parts of it still hold up amazingly. I'm not somebody promoting the fact that this film revived the KKK, or the fact that this film is propaganda, I am being realistic and looking at the film itself and the impact it made. Gone With the Wind was inspired by this movie. That was the first film that finally broke Births record at the box office and what many people consider to be a modern day masterpiece. Yes, this film also revived the KKK. Which was honestly the worst part of this film. HOWEVER, that was not the films meaning. The film was about the directors feelings of the KKK and how he thought they were heroes. He had no intention of reviving them. So it's not even the films fault. Most people say this following statement: This is the first true movie that started everything. Birth of a Nation is what every film in the past hundred years owes its quality to. Good or bad. Like it or dislike it, Birth of a Nation is a film that is staying forever. This statement is completely true. Every single word of it. Honestly, even if you never see this movie or don't have the courage of seeing the second half, you need to over look the racism and accept that this film, for everything it did and for the time, this is the greatest film ever made. The next best movie ever made, and it's a close one, is Intolerance that came out the next year by the same director. I hope I brought some new light to the matter.
Freddy Schmitz Beforehand, I highly condemn the message this movie has. The high rating is solely based on the qualities of the film in regard to the craft involved in its making which is, objectively, just phenomenal for its time.What makes this silent historical epic revolutionary are the enormous battle scenes, involving hundreds of extras and a director directing from a big tower via light signals, its use of music and camera, filming at night (which wasn't common back then), coloring of specific scenes (mostly battle scenes) in one color and a battle in the films' climax used as a tool of dramatization and storytelling. The film paved the way for big epic movies which would mark Hollywood forever since then. At a running-time of over three hours it was the longest film to ever be released back in 1915.Obviously, due to its racist portrayal of black people this movie is not for everyone but if you are interested in the history of Hollywood you've got to check it out, while ignoring the historical inaccuracies and racist bull crap Without this movie Hollywood wouldn't be what it is today. It would not have impacted America and its film industry that much if it wasn't done so well.Even when ignoring the racist viewpoint this was made from you don't get around to notice the historical inaccuracies and at over three hours this movie seems a bit too long for me even though its an epic. Plus several characters weren't fleshed out enough. Of course, this is due to the fact that this is a silent film and it was made over 80 years ago with different narrative standards at the time but from my viewpoint, which is currently set in the year 2016, I simple cannot ignore it and it bothers me. And again, the racism in this film simply feels overbearing sometimes, the director even went so far to cast mainly white actors for the most vicious black characters, simply painting their faces black. But as I said, I tried to not let the racist overtones of this film affect my rating. Overall I give this movie a strong 8/10. I only give higher ratings to films which really touch me on an emotional level and the pure viciousness in its portrayal of an entire group of people makes this impossible for me.