Let's be realistic.
There are women in the film, but none has anything you could call a personality.
Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
I didn't mind the sci-fi aspect of this documentary: Our narrator is a guy in a futuristic archive in the 2050's wondering how humanity got to this point. And then we see news clips and interviews from our time with people talking about big oil companies, natural disasters, observable climate change results, harsh living conditions and, ironically, a guy who wants to make flying in India dead cheap. The movie overall felt a bit unfocused, for example talking at one point about wars being fought over oil and then making a narrative jump to Iraqi kids talking about their wish to kill Americans to revenge their dad. Things like that gave the movie a weird political aspect that felt unnecessary - to my taste as a Central European anyway. But obviously this was made mostly for American audiences, where human- induced climate change is always a political issue as well.So, summing up: I support the cause of raising awareness for climate change and its potential consequences and it's good to show people how they can change their habits and have an impact. I liked the animation bits for that. But apart from that this movie will not deliver many new facts or aspects. And worst of all: A climate change denier will walk away from this movie probably with an unchanged opinion, because there are a lot of mixed messages. So, maybe we live in the age of stupid after all.
This film takes us through the 19th century history of what led to the "severe issue" of global warming.Not much is special about it, just another environmental extremism film done by a global warming alarmist.Do you consider your parents stupid for prospering in the 19th century, when factory work was readily available in the States and Canada? Do you consider your grandparents stupid for happily living in this time? That's right, for the most part families had jobs, had food, had water, had everything they needed and were happy...Then the real "age of stupid" came about with the environmental movement. Environmental regulations, carbon offsets, promoting recycling and "green living" and Earth Day in schools before students could even decide which side of the fence they were on... we're all controlled by the green age, the real age of stupid.This movie isn't worth your time to watch or your money to buy. Of course, if you do decide to purchase this load of biased crud, don't forget to litter and drop the DVD on the ground after viewing.
This is a good documentary. As agitprop, it's raised to the level of a must-see by the sharp manner in which honest, location documentary footage is intercut with a meticulously built up store of pertinent images and some really rather good animation (I had already seen a making-of video concerning the animation and it's actually better than I was expecting).Clearly, the 'gold'-standard for a polemic documentary such as this is the work of Michael Moore. For me this film is a cut above his oeuvre as there is a greater internal consistency about it. The voice-over is better tempered, a news- like patter delivered by a clearly on-board Pete Postlethwaite (although I didn't like Fanny Armstong's contrivance-curdled script with which he was saddled). Still, with the film rolling out at its own pace, the stories accrue credibility and one can see the clear difference between a blinkered oligarch-assumptive (Jeh Wadia) and the likes of Layefa Malini, a class apart in her poverty but a cut above in her optimism and positive humanity. 6/10
Thank The Heavens!! If films like this and al gore are the force behind committing economic suicide then rest assured my follow friends who posses commonsense....we are safe for now! What a self serving holy then thou piece of nonsense this film is. It seeks only to provoke emotion and all commonsense is regarded as being evil earth hating thoughts. You may think this film will only serve to excite the disciples of global warming, but in fact it does much more.....It proves (to the independent thinker) how far the religion of global warming has come, this movie will scare most into avoiding the cult not joining it!!!