It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
Humaira Grant
It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Casey Duggan
It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Tayyab Torres
Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Lisa Muñoz
This movie is beyond awful, but in a good way. Everything about it, the dialogue, acting, production is laughably and intentionally bad. The music is campy and bad ass. The heroes are stupid and the Turkey is a foul-mouthed wise cracking villain.I wanted to watch it because it had the tagline "Gobble Gobble MotherF*cker". It certainly delivers as a goofy silly, dumb mess. I just wished we had more funny dialogue from the turkey. Definitely don't take it too seriously.
The front cover of my copy of the DVD for this movie advertises "boobs within the first few seconds" and they deliver Nudity aside, this is a surprisingly solid little horror film. I say surprisingly, because this is a bottom of the barrel budgeted movie. As can be expected, the acting is pretty horrible, but it doesn't really take away enjoyment from the movie. There is also plenty of humor, mostly from "Turkey" and gore galore. Throughout the movie, the four main characters act pretty retarded, and deservedly get knocked off one by one. At one point, Turkey kills and skins off the face of one of the main characters father,wears it as a mask, and actually fools our hopelessly stupid heroes on a "Wtf are you really that retarded?" Moment If you haven't seem this movie, what are you waiting for? You won't be disappointed.
Mark Christopher
After KILLER KLOWNS FROM OUTTER SPACE, this movie is #2 on the B Horror Film list!!! This movie has no point. This movie has no purpose. This movie is f'ing wonderful! I watched this movie on purpose because I love horrible B horror films, and I was more entertained with this so called horror film than most horror movies I watch. A turkey brought back from dead from the Pilgrims era? Really? Horrible acting from the actors who suddenly lost all their family and friends and decide to watch movies and go around like nothing happened to them? Come on, I mean, really people? But the turkey takes the cake on everything. It was great. I loved the comments and how the turkey talked throughout the entire movie.Highly recommended people. Oh and its on NETFLIX too!!!
This movie isn't a movie that anyone should take seriously, even for a second. If you try to take this movie seriously you'll immediately get on IMDb, give it a 1 star rating (provided that's being considerate) and write about how much of a waste of time it was, yada yada yada. These guys aren't professionals.Yes, the acting sucks. The special effects suck. The plot sucks! It all freaking sucks. But seriously, just look at the cover, they made it blatantly obvious at the first glance. What ever your first impression is of what you're getting into, is probably right on. If you're looking to kill some time. Sure, watch this movie. But like I said don't expect a grammy winning award for the acting or anything else really. It feels like a bunch of friends got together and made a funny story about thanksgiving and this was the result.