Undescribable Perfection
Please don't spend money on this.
Overrated and overhyped
A Major Disappointment
I don't know if I can summon the words to describe just how terrible this stinkburger really is, but I'm going to give it a try.On IMDb's rating system of one to ten stars, this rates very high in the NEGATIVE double-digit numbers.The production values are absolutely non existent; I'd be very surprised to learn that it wasn't done in someone's basement and back yard, and shot on their cell phone.The "performances" ? Well, what can I say ? I have never seen Corey Feldman exhibit ANYTHING that could EVER be mistaken for the smallest speck of acting talent, and he has tons more than the entire rest of the cast COMBINED !!!Then we move on to the "direction". Have you ever seen any of the movies that Spielberg did when he was 10 years old and borrowed his father's camera...where he used toy soldiers and fire crackers to make war movies ? Those were LEAPS and BOUNDS better than this.The bottom line is that if Ed Wood had done this movie, he would have been too embarrassed to release it.
I was hyped when I first heard about the fact that this movie won prizes at a festival, because the last output that won Corey Feldman some trophies was a great film called "The Birthday". This film shares similarities in the sense that it's a first time director film that wins festivals trophies. Beyond that it's a completely different ballpark."The Terror Inside" felt like a super bizarre direct to DVD movie. It was entertaining but it wasn't close to anything else. It feels like a modern day grindhouse film.What was good about "The Terror Inside" you have actors giving good performances, the movie has a decent pace, and they are good "Wow moments" that will jump to your face. Gory stuff, sometime good twists and finally some stuff that is unintentionally funny...What lowers my rating of this film. First there is a character named Joe. At one point in the movie he pops out of nowhere at Kathy's house. There is a clear explanation of it, he needed to use her phone. The second time there is no explanation at all. I was like "what the f(^&". Their is fight scene at the end of the movie when Feldman punches the antagonist there is no punch sound effect, that makes the fight quite phony. The two actors had perfect timing nothing against them but missing sound killed it.The final solution to all their problems at the end was way too easy. The movie also ended on very strange note. I don't know what to make of it, but I will give the director credits of trying something different. I would have gave the movie a 7 if it wasn't for that punch sound missing and Joe (nothing against the actor) popping out of nowhere without an explanation the second time.If can give any advice to the director it would be spend more time polishing the final product, otherwise you have talent. Yet it's fun and much better then many much higher budgeted direct to DVD film out there.