Tammy and the T-Rex

1994 "He's the coolest pet in town!"
5.3| 1h30m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 28 December 1994 Released
Producted By: Greenline Productions
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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An evil scientist implants the brain of a murdered high school student into an animatronic Tyrannosaurus, who later wreaks vengeance on the bullies who killed him, and is reunited with his sweetheart.

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Stewart Raffill

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Greenline Productions


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Tammy and the T-Rex Audience Reviews

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
ironhorse_iv Everything about this movie seem like a stupid failure. It might as well, be extinct; because barely anybody has heard of this low-budget 1990s Science-Fiction comedy film. Directed by Stewart Raffill, this film tells the story of a murderer high student, Michael (Paul Walker) whom brain is implant in an animatronic Tyrannosaurus by an evil scientist, Dr. Wachenstein (Terry Kiser) for some odd reason that never truly explain. Now in control of the T-Rex, Michael must find a way to find his sweetheart, Tammy (Denise Richards) while, getting revenge on those who cause his death. Can Michael find a new body with his girlfriend, Tammy or will Michael be in beast mode forever? Watch the movie to find out if you want to! Without spoiling the movie, too much, I have to say, everything about the T-Rex is wrong. I really don't get, how he able to cry tears, eat people, and die. It doesn't make any lick of sense within the means of the story. After all, the dinosaur is just an animatronic control by his brain, not a real creature. I guess, the original script, ask for a real dinosaur killing people, but the special effects were so bad and not convincing enough, that at the last second, they rewrote the story to have a fake-looking creature, follow around Tammy. Still, I really don't get, why the filmmakers made a great deal of hiding the flaws of the T-Rex, if they going to admit, how crappy, it looks. I guess, the movie was trying to be tongue 'n' cheek with how cheesy, its special effects, are, but it comes across as jarring and confusing with its bad editing trying to cover those spots. There are tons of scenes that really, seem to end, very oddly! All those cuts, were very uncomfortable to watch in the PG-13 film version. There's an Italian R-rated version of this movie with a few deleted scenes, but the gore factor doesn't really help much, but it makes for a more finished film than the one, we got in America. The only thing, I can still, might help the film is maybe, some more eye-candy! After all, Denise Richards was attraction chick back in the 1990s. I really hoping to see more of her, in this film. I do have to say, watching Tammy's striptease toward the end was pretty sexy, even how stupid, it was to have Michael's Brain in a Jar sparking wildly as a substitute for an orgasm. Despite that, the movie isn't that great of a watch. Yes, the effects are laughable, but the majority of the force jokes are too offensive, dumb, or dark. Seeing moments like Tammy going to a morgue to find, dead people with huge d*cks to sleep with, is unsettling. Now that Paul Walker has tragically passed away, you will never be able to look again at the scene where the coffin of Tammy's boyfriend is opened, revealing his rotten and maggot-infested corpse. Still, I did, get a laugh of seeing Michael get mauled by lion. Call me, a sadist, but it's just way too bizarre, not to. The acting in this film is just mediocre. Nobody came out of this film, looking strong. Paul Walker's presence in the film is far too little and he wasn't really given much to shine. His look is god-awful. Paul Walker's dated ugly purple short midriff t-shirt, which he wore in the majority of his scenes is just not appealing. Like, I said, before Denise Richards at the time, was indeed, a great looker, but her acting chops, was below standards. Her mood swings, are really noticeable. Terry Kiser as the over the top 'Frankenstein' type scientist was just too hammy to take seriously. I would rather take his deadpan counterpart, Bernie from 1989's Weekend at Bernie, over this. The supporting cast didn't help. George Pilgrim as the side villain, Billy & Theo Forsett as Tammy's homosexual friend, Bryon was a little too much of a caricature than flesh out characters. If anything, Buck Flower as Sheriff Norville is the only one that seem, realistic. Overall: This Frankenstein meets Jurassic Park hybrid film is not really worth anybody time, watching. Not only does it handled adult themes in the wrong immature way, but most of the jokes fall flat. I really don't see, many people seeing this film. If they did, I bet you, that they wish a meteor would come down, put this film to sleep. It's that bad.
antilles62 I was up at an unearthly hour (2:30 am) and turned on the television. Much to my dismay, this movie was the best thing on. I hesitate to use the word "best", but even more strongly hesitate to use the word "movie". I must admit that at that hour, almost anything would be entertaining, but I feel like I lost a significant amount of brain cells after watching that...thing. It was, in a word, bizarre. I can't think of any other way to describe it in an even remotely positive manner. The humor was quirky, but misguided, and the acting was horrendous. I'm positive that Denise Richards now weeps whenever she hears anything related to dinosaurs. Let's just say that it wasn't her finest hour. But, by all means, see this movie. It will give you far greater respect for the oscar nominees.
geross At last Plan 9 From Outer Space, Robot Monster, I Changed My Sex, and The Terror of Tiny Town have competition for the designation "Worst Film Ever." The SFX are on par with Barney the Dinosaur, and the writing and acting are so hideous it beggars the imagination how such a piece of tripe was finished in the first place. If Denise Richards can go from this to Starship Troopers, Wild Things, and The World is Not Enough, there is still hope for Elizabeth Berkeley.
phillya1 This movie is horrible. Knowing that this movie was made in 1994 terrifies me. The dinosaur is pathetic, and the acting is terrible. What tops the movie off is when Denise Richards' boyfriend's brain is hooked up to a camera so he can see her strip for him and the electrical circuits all short out. Who in the world came up with that? I started cracking up the minute I saw this part. The only reason I watched the movie was because it was soooo bad.