
1977 "The roughest, toughest men from London's greatest crime squad smash their way onto the big screen!"
6.8| 1h37m| NA| en| More Info
Released: 14 January 1977 Released
Producted By: Euston Films
Country: United Kingdom
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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When one of Regan's snouts complains that his girlfriend's recent suicide was murder, the flying squad detective feels compelled to investigate. He uncovers a conspiracy that reaches the heart of the government, and finds himself fitted up, suspended and under the scrutiny of Special Branch.

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David Wickes

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Euston Films


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Sweeney! Audience Reviews

Alicia I love this movie so much
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Bereamic Awesome Movie
Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Jamesfilmfan905 Sweeney was made in 1977 where television shows of that decade in the 70s where being made into big screen adaptations e.g man about the house , George and Mildred they are two examples of what where good shows which failed massively to capture the essence of what made them so popular to view every week in the thatcherised Britain of the 70s . Anyway Sweeney is one of those rare spin-off movies which actually works simply because it delivers the 3 elements that made the series so popular drama , action , excitement , for an interesting 90 minutes in which when an informants girlfriend is murdered he asks Reagan to investigate and he ends up finding himself knee deep in corruption and murder when various connections of a political cabinet leader Elliot mcqueen played by Barry foster start being murdered and Reagan must rely on his wits to evade deadly hit-men and corrupt police officials when he is suspended from the force and is on his own without his skipper George carter played by the excellent if somewhat underused Dennis waterman who insists to jack he cant get involved . What it boils down to is Sweeney is one of the best big screen adaptations of any show sprawned from the 70s cause it delivers the various concoction of elements which made the show a joy to view every- week as mentioned in the paragraph above . Certified x for Violence and brief nudity
TheLittleSongbird I absolutely love The Sweeney, it is gritty, violent and very addictive not to mention compelling and I never miss it. Then again, I am a huge John Thaw fan, having loved him since Inspector Morse. Sweeney! is not quite as good as the show, which is a classic to me, but it is a worthy film. The plot is complicated with some holes and the violence level did get quite shocking at times, but the location shooting is superb, the music is great and the action pieces are a real joy. As is the dialogue, one of the main reasons why I love the Sweeney is because of its irresistibly quotable dialogue, and here there is some really juicy dialogue. Maybe I am biased but anything Regan said stood out a lot. The direction is good, but the acting was really good bringing to life some very intriguing characters. The late great John Thaw is outstanding as Regan, and Dennis Waterman is delightful as Carter. Their chemistry together is wholly believable as well, and I also enjoyed the performances of Colin Welland, Barry Foster(actually didn't mind his accent) and Diane Keen. Overall, a worthy film with flaws and not as good as the show, but it is very entertaining on the whole. 8/10 Bethany Cox
Theo Robertson Without doubt THE SWEENEY is one of the most popular and fondly remembered television shows Britain has ever produced and this was the first of two films made to tie in with the television series . It's certainly the more compelling of the two but where as the sequel did mirror the Thames Television series the original doesn't entirely One of the reasons for the show's success was its offbeat humour which features here in an early scene " What you mean Tiny Large ? " " He's a total animal . I remember we had him down the station and he wouldn't leave his cell so we sent in an alsatian . He broke its jaw and threw it out " " Dog Day Afternoon " What is noticeable right from the opening scene is that politics is involved and this film version of THE SWEENEY is very much a political thriller which sets in motion a shadowy conspiracy involving Special Branch trying to bump off DI Jack Regan who knows too much for his own good . It's a bit more grittier than the TV show if only that it shows a graphi scene of a constable getting shot in the head but the whole conspiracy is unlikely and feels false . And the final scene is somewhat confusing Having said that it's always good to see the underatted John Thaw playing the all drinking all smoking DI Regan during an era when TV cops were nasty but nice crimebusters . Certainly a film that reflects the strengths of the television show and one wonders if Nick Love's big screen version later this year will be a very pale imitation ?
Duckmaster Ahh, to revisit the halcyon days of 1970's London policing! Anyone watching this film will probably be aware of the infamous TV series, so introductions are not needed. Free from the restrictions of television guidelines and budgets, the makers of Sweeney! show us what a sleazy and violent world 1976 London can be. D.I. Reagan promises an old friend he will investigate further the death of a high class escort (yes, the oxo mum herself going topless) and slowly uncovers a high level conspiracy involving a naive politician and his crooked press relations man, who wants to lower oil prices for a year and make the oil companies billions in the process. With me so far? It matters not, forget the plot and enjoy the fistfights, shootings and the wonderful teamwork of John thaw and Dennis waterman. Altogether now..."You're nicked, son!"