Very well executed
Highly Overrated But Still Good
It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
An earlier reviewer recommended this "only if you're high." Nope, didn't help. I love bad movies but this has NOTHING to recommend it other than Jaime Pressley in a bikini (And not long enough). And even this Jaime Pressley junkie had to hold his nose for most of this. Garrett Wang ever work again? (Or want to after this?) Actually, I checked. This was his first work after Star Trek Voyager & looks like his career has gone downhill sinceThe title gives away the monster & I don't think I could give up any other spoilers BECAUSE THERE'S NOTHING YOU WON'T SEE COMING!IMDb Trivia: Jaime Pressly hated the movie. 'Nuff Said.....
I don't understand why this movie isn't on the Worst 100 list. I've seen 7 movies on that list, and this one is worse than any of those. If I gave a 10th grade class an assignment to create special effects and they turned in the ones in this movie, I might feel sorry enough for them to give them a D. I hope they didn't pay the special effects team more than $500. Not only are they embarrassing poor, the animated figure doesn't look like the costumed figured used in the close ups.Meanwhile the acting is so stiff that one is left wondering if the final footage came from the 2nd or 3rd reading of the script. Or if the script was simply being written an hour before the filming.If you are looking for a silly horror movie to watch with a group of friends for laughs, this is a very good candidate. On that scale, I would give it an 8.
or whatever they make movies out of these days. One of the worst movies I've ever seen. I grew up in the late 1960's- early 1970's and enjoyed Ray Harryhausen special effects thirty years ago. People are now wasting money to produce these god-awful sci-fi channel movies that are ruining the appeal of the science fiction genre. "Pinata" is simply a terrible waste and it is not a movie that is so bad it's good or funny. It's just an insult. Either that, or intended for kids under age three. The special effects are juvenile and there was no effort to produce a quality product. That's what is so bad about these sci-fi channel, straight to DVD movies. They are just cranking out more quantity with very low quality. This drags down the entire genre. These movies will not be watched in 30-40 years from now like we watch classic horror movies now. Movies like "Pinata" just go straight to the dumpster where they belong. Another hour and a half wasted.
This is one of the finest bad horror movies ever made in the universe. The whole movie is excellent! There's an expository back story, idiots you can't wait to see get killed, and the Asian guy from Star Trek Voyager (he gets brutally killed too). And I a haven't even mentioned the killer yet - a glorified ancient pinata!!! I cannot say enough about this excellent work of art! Simply amazing. If you miss this movie you should just never ever watch a movie again. I can't get over it, this really gives all other movie a run for their money. Go see this movie and its lovable killer clay pinata with stupid characters that deserve to be killed - you wont be disappointed