Supersonic Man

3.1| 1h28m| NA| en| More Info
Released: 06 August 1979 Released
Producted By: Almena Films
Country: Spain
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Kronos, hero of a distant galaxy, tangles with mad scientist Gulik over the fate of mankind.

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Juan Piquer Simón

Production Companies

Almena Films


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Supersonic Man Audience Reviews

Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
soulexpress "You cannot stop me! I am supersonic." So says Kronos, an extraterrestrial superhero dispatched to Earth to stop men whose weapons would destroy the galaxy--or something like that. The print I saw was dubbed in French, which I don't speak. (The movie itself is from Spain.)Our guy's powers appear to be whatever is convenient to the storyline. They include, but are not limited to:flying (awkwardly, though still better than Puma Man);X-ray vision;making objects appear and disappear;opening doors with a wave of his hand;lifting a wooden prop that kinda looks like a steamroller if you squint hard; andturning guns into bananas. (Hey, I didn't write the damned thing.)Supersonic Man takes on the evil Dr. Kulik (Cameron "Anything for a Paycheck" Mitchell), who is headquartered in a paper-mache volcano. He orders his army (which all supervillians have) to kidnap a world-famous scientist (of course), who he wants to build a superlaser that will allow Kulik to rule the world. To blackmail Morgan into doing his bidding, Kulik dispatches his forces to abduct the professor's daughter. However, Supersonic Man repeatedly foils their attempts. (At no time does it enter the daughter's mind to call the police on her would-be kidnapers.)Item: Our mild-mannered hero transforms into Supersonic Man by uttering "May the great force of the galaxy be with me" into his wristwatch. It even works underwater!Item: He doesn't seem to know what to do with his arms, so he spreads them a lot.Item: Kulik's arsenal includes a life-sized Rock 'Em-Sock 'Em Robot that shoots fire from its claws and has twin mini-rockets mounted to its head.Item: The score tries hard to sound like 1978's SUPERMAN. For some reason, the triumphant music even turns up in scenes without the super guy in them.Item: Though presumably made to cash in on SUPERMAN, this movie comes a lot closer to ripping off YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE, the James Bond epic.I hope to one day see this film in English.
bensonmum2 Dr. Gulik (Cameron Mitchell) is an evil mastermind bent on . . . well, I'm really not sure what he was bent on. I watched the entire movie and still have no idea what Dr. Gulick's plan was. In between all the gibberish Dr. Gulick spouts, I don't believe he ever laid out what his ultimate goal was (if he did, I missed it). I don't believe I've ever seen a movie with a more confusing plot. Or, maybe the plot wasn't confusing, but, instead, the movie didn't have a plot. That's my guess.Beyond the plot, everything else is a disaster. The special effects are the worst, the music is beyond annoying, and the acting is atrocious. Usually I can watch a movie and enjoy it regardless of the dubbing. That's not the case here. The voice actors are terrible. And why was there a need to dub Cameron Mitchell with a ridiculous, over-the-top English accent? And then there's the robot. This movie was made in 1979, not 1939. Just plain stupid. The only reason I haven't given the movie a "1" is for all the lackeys in the matching, multi-color jumpsuits. Watching these guys run around as the island blows-up is worth a point.
C. Sean Currie (hypestyle) I remember seeing this movie in 1986 when WFLD TV-32 in Chicago was broadcasting the final episode of its old-school horror-movie program, THE SON OF SVENGOOLIE, hosted by Rich Koz. As I said, this was a show known for showing various older (by 80's standards) horror films, so the decision to air a campy foreign superhero movie was just so wacky! I guess the host/producer figured, "It's our last show, we might as well throw them a curveball!" I imagine I basically laughed at all of the things that were unintentionally funny about this film-- the funky costume, escape from the shark, the steamroller that suddenly turned to balsa wood, or the fact that the hero who is called "Super Sonic Man" ends up being vulnerable to a sonic-ray blast (whoops!).. In essence, everything that the first "Superman" film (1978) did right, these guys got wrong.If I could find this on DVD for cheap, I wouldn't mind buying it, but only for the comedy..
Writer-2 ...if you're a lover of bad cinema. From the horrible credit sequence which desperately tries to copy SUPERMAN, to the super cheesy flying sequences, to scenes of hero lifting up things like an incredibly fake looking, wooden (yes, wooden) bulldozer, director J.P. Simon delivers the goods yet again! The man who brought you PIECES and SLUGS doesn't disappoint. If you have no life, viewing this film is a must!!!