The Worst Film Ever
This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Allison Davies
The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Frances Chung
Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Yay! I found another fun Asylum movie. Like AIRPLANE VS VOLCANO, this one's a low budget cheese-fest of a B-movie, replete with stock footage, cheesy CGI and more overacting than you can shake a stick at...and yet it also happens to be amusing and a fair bit of fun, given the zero expectations that anyone familiar with the studio will bring to it.Ming-Na (an attractive Chinese actress who supplied the voice of MULAN in the Disney movie) plays a top scientist who must spring into action when the titular weather phenomenon brings menace to the western seaboard of the USA. Meanwhile, an oil rig turns out to have been built on top of a volcano (don't you hate it when that happens?), which means there's all kind of disaster taking place constantly.The level of drama is high, as is the level of cheesy acting, so I was laughing half the time. My favourite part of the movie sees Ming-Na and her colleagues embarking on a journey where they're confronted by seemingly every type of extreme weather event: hail, earthquakes, floods, cyclones, and of course burning fireballs from the heavens. It's all ridiculous but at the same time the narrative is so fast-paced that you don't have time to pay attention to how poor it is. That's why I liked it...
I am only 21 minutes into this movie and already there are more holes than pound of Swiss cheese. For instance: A massive storm, the boat is rocking all over the place, people scrambling for cover, big waves, the whole nine yards. One man falls over board into a perfectly calm, what resembles a black bottom swimming pool. Later they're in the kitchen of the boat - everything on the shelves and counters are in perfect order, like they've not been touched at all. Not too mention, the sky is black, thunder crashing, winds blowing and yet strangely on the deck of the ship, the sun is shining and there is no sign of even a mild breeze anywhere. And the acting - WHERE do they get these people that play in these horrible, boring, ridiculous, so called disaster movies.
Dear Asylum, How dare you introduce garbage like this to my television set. Truly your movies should be stamped with a large warning, "Careful! We really, really suck!" Honestly, does anyone on your staff know what they're doing? Is your mission statement nothing more than to pump out atrocity after atrocity as cheaply as possible? Now we know who picks up Hollywood's reject pile. Yeah, yeah, we least you're making movies. What are we doing? Well, we're not embarrassing ourselves like you are, that's for sure. And we're also not dragging the movie industry into the toilet while we're at it. Good one, Asylum...flush another one down the pipes.
The blurb from DirecTV about this movie mentions that 2 of the characters are trying to stop a superstorm from devastating the entire EASTERN (my emphasis) seaboard. Only problem with this blurb is that, as you find out within the first 5-10 minutes of the movie, the storm is set to hit California which is about 3,000 miles from the EASTERN seaboard because it is actually on the WESTERN seaboard. As is typical for fare from The Asylum, bad overacting, bad special effects, bad everything is the norm but that is what makes them enjoyable for me because I get to laugh during the majority of the "disaster". Do not get me wrong, I also enjoy mainstream disaster movies such as Armaggedon, 2012, Meteor, Asteroid, Twister, Deep Impact etc but I enjoy the mainstream ones because they make me have appropriate emotions for there being a disaster occurring.In a nutshell, if you have enjoyed other The Asylum movies, then you will enjoy this one but if you are looking for it to be on a par of a movie like Armaggedon, then look elsewhere.