
2007 "When What You Fear Becomes Real"
5.3| 1h53m| R| en| More Info
Released: 15 June 2007 Released
Producted By: Raw Feed
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Admitted to Mt. Abaddon Hospital for a routine procedure, George Grieves discovers that his condition is much more serious and complicated than originally expected; and as his own fears begin to manifest around him, he learns that Mt. Abaddon is not a place where people come to get better... it is a place where people come to die.


Horror, Thriller

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Tony Krantz

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Raw Feed


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Sublime Audience Reviews

GazerRise Fantastic!
HeadlinesExotic Boring
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Michael Ledo A great quirky horror/ dark comedy that keeps you guessing, "Is it real or his imagination?"The creators of this movie have nothing to be ashamed of. What I liked least was the DVD cover design. They didn't put much into that. If you like the Twilight Zone and Coen brothers and B horror movies, then get it.
kai ringler I thought this was a really thought provoking movie from the start, and it only get's better as the movie slowly moves on,, A man who just reached his 40th birthday,, has everything going for him,, job , health , family,, then he goes to a hospital for a "routine" surgery,, somehow through utter incompetence his chart got switched and he get's an unnecessary prodecure that of course he does not need.. things get worse ,, as their is no reversing the procedure,, things get worse,, and he realizes there is no hope,, he starts going mad,, having suicidal tendencies,, and he family is put in a situation that no family should be in,,, very enjoyable from a dark point of view,, like what would you do in that situation,, I turned 40 a few years back,, and absolutely dread going to the Dr. or Hospital,,, so I can relate.
rbrb This movie is very watchable,yet provocative and also slightly irritating-all at the same time. The latter because the way it is presented is somewhat obscure and must be highly confusing for some people. Rather like a painter on canvas the work which is created may be obvious to the artist, but others can see it differently or simply not see the same as the artist or indeed not see it at all. Nevertheless I found this film generally good and interesting.A middle age successful man is shortly to go into hospital for a routine procedure but is troubled by a recurring dream. After he awakes from the procedure he is subjected to a series of horrendous events in the hospital. Are these events really happening or as I interpret it: is he simply going through a nightmare and experiencing his fears etc?All the performers are excellent, the design of the film is first rate and the music is often brilliant. I myself consider this movie more like a black comedy/horror and overall I conclude it deserves: 7/10.
fperez-7 that it was sold as a horror movie!!! Just image the deception that this film caused on so many couples looking for a good excuse to hug and touch! Instead, they got a quite interesting film that requires you to actually watch, and even use a couple of neurons! Anyway, WB made a mistake with the marketing strategy for this film. I don't which genre it would fit in, perhaps thriller? That way, I am sure this movie won't be getting so many "I wasted my time" reviews.And BTW, I don't see how bad can it be to "waste" a couple of hours with a different movie!? I don't see anyone complaining about the time it takes to write a movie review, or queueing in the bank, or stuck in traffic.It is a shame that people are not willing to experiment different approaches to art (and in life!). They sound like Republicans.