So much average
People are voting emotionally.
Kaelan Mccaffrey
Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Fatma Suarez
The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Ten years after his first short director Luis Camera made his first effort to make a full feature in the horror genre. It succeeded on part of the effects but storywise it wasn't what it should be.When they see the first victim which is one of their friends they just never scream, they just look at the body hanging upside down without any fear. But when they see a bit further that their cell phones are blocked they do scream. So, stupid characters and a bit of wooden performances. The director wanted to make a torture porn but in stead it turned out to be a slasher. But I didn't liked the way it was edited, there are a few jumps that you might think gore was left out even as I have seen the uncut version. Sometimes you see for example an ax going into a head, other killings are off-camera and that's what downgrades this flick. Another thing that tears it down is for example one being stabbed by a knife but after a few moments he talks again like nothing is going on.Due the gore added it is still watchable but it do has some stupid situations.Gore 2/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 3/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
Duped! Yeah, totally duped... You know Dimension Extreme has given us all some really great stuff, but they have also given us some really, really, REALLY bad stuff - Steep Trap falls into the latter. Now coming from someone who is very much into the horror genre and can usually find some shining moments in the worst of the worst gore or scare flicks, I really can't think of one nice thing to say about this one except for - It was so bad I laughed a few times... But not in the way a Troma movie is so bad it made you laugh. No, no, no, Steel Trap was just really bad. At a upscale New Years party on the top of an abandoned high rise, several extremely annoying individuals are invited down a few floors to where the "real party is at". The unlikable ensemble quickly find out that this is no party at all as one by one they all begin to suffer very uninventive and forgettable ends to their miserable lives. They all must play the killer's game till the end or suffer an ill fate at the hands of a truly laughable silver masked maniac. Horror fans, do yourself a favor and skip out on this one. There are no inventive deaths, no well built suspense, no likable characters, atrocious acting - good and evil, and worst of all the dialouge is so forced it will embarrass you to no end.
I think that a filmmaker who decides to make a slasher flick has two choices : having a lot of faith on the screenplay and to trust that he found a new perspective for making that formula interesting or making a completely mercenary film which is full of clichés for finally making a cheap movie.The crappy film Steel Trap belongs to the second style.The slasher films became popular thanks to Halloween (1978) and Friday the 13th and,since of that,we have seen hundred of movies with similar structures,characters and story.The details change,so every slasher movie tries to be different by using a curious location or a new mask,just to mention two examples.I do not pretend to find a lot of originality on slasher films but what I pretend to find is even the minimum effort for giving the known formula a special element,making it interesting and entertaining.Steel Trap could have chosen that difficult point but,instead of risking,director and co-screenwriter Luis Cámara and co-screenwriter Gabrielle Galanter wasted that opportunity so Steel Trap is a tedious experience with an extremely weak screenplay,repulsive characters,a boring and generic killer without any personality and a forced and arbitrary ending.I usually do not like to criticize an independent film from my favourite genre but,even on some incompetent works (like Return to Sleepaway Camp),I appreciate some energy and enthusiasm which on some way compensate some fails of the movie.But Steel Trap does not even have that.Plus,to add more negative things,Cámara's direction is completely insipid.In other words,it seems nobody involved on this movie was really interested on it.The characters are so repulsive that I was glad when the killer started to kill them.Steel Trap is a very crappy film.This is one of that movies in which I feel I really lost the time with it and that's the worst sin a movie can make.If you wanna see a very good modern slasher flick,I recommend you the Norwegian movie Fritt Vilt.Skip Steel Trap,a very bad horror film.
Ken Maskrey
I agree with much of the previous stuff...bad writing, dialog, etc., but what I really found most shocking was how ugly the cast was. I mean...in a horror? Don't you really want to see pretty people being killed, maimed, raped, tortured, etc.... Here, it looks like they went around to all the plastic surgeons' offices in town and took all the "befores" and threw them in the movie. Old ones at that. Everyone appeared to be at least in their 30s.***** Spoiler -- sort of ***** That "prettiest girl in the room" line just killed me!!! I think it wasn't as much an exclusive party as where the rest of the town hid out all the ugly people.