Don't listen to the negative reviews
Erica Derrick
By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Tymon Sutton
The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
There some haters out there who really dissed this movie. I enjoyed it very much. You have two guys out on the fringe who skirt the law, if not out right break it, the big bad wolf of the UP, and the atrocity of wiping out a planet by the bad guys. I suppose the CGI could have been better but it was decent in my opinion. Toni Trucks plays Asta. She is an exotic hottie who is the center piece of the movie, although not the head liner. She is the only survivor of a planet that the UP wiped out because of the changes occurring in their gene pool. This is caused by the unique rays form their sun. She is a mutant with many strange abilities. These abilities show up through out the movie. I liked it when the anal retentive zero of a pilot (military for an officer) got his head cut off. I have never liked those type of people. My way or the highway or it's regs. The really bad guy is the commander. He lead the atrocity on the planet, sparing Asta, the only survivor that was found, only because his weapon was empty. Leaving her basically to starve. I like the end where she escapes and he is stranded on the planet and the bugs come out. All in all a rather enjoyable movie.
Connor Trinneer is as warm and sexy as always, but even he can't overcome the cheesy effects and poor writing in this one. Then there are the laughably inappropriately, inexplicably partially-dressed women in the way, and the generally poor production values. There is little in the plot to hang onto, and they completely fail to take full advantage of the only sexy cast member - Trinneer - which might have at least managed to hold some interest.On the more positive side, there are moments of sincerity and moments when the acting is allowed to overcome the movie's other defects. Some of the supporting cast aren't bad and it would have been nice if they had had better material and directing to work with.
If you've seen Star Wars, Starship Troopers, The Fifth Element, then you've already seen all the parts of this movie. If you've seen a few Sci-Fi Channel Originals, then you've already had a taste of the bad and boring that this baby will bring to you, like brussel sprouts to a toddler.My husband, who had not seen Starship Trooprs or The Fifth Element, was more entertained and said, "That wasn't as bad as their usual movies." I didn't have the heart to tell him that it was.I will admit that the acting isn't *as bad* as a lot of the other Originals, but the script and the story (or rather, lack thereof) are.The only way this one won't waste your time is if you are bedridden and you can't change the channel. Even then, pray for enough NyQuil to knock you out; there's not much here to miss.
It's Saturday night in the USA and the Sci-Fi channel pumps out another turd of a movie - but at least there is only one writer to blame for this piece of crap.Trip from Enterprise and Ando from Heroes are a couple of thieves on the run when given the assignment to take the last survivor of a dead planet to safety before everyone finds out that the government/United Plantes force was behind the destruction of an entire race of peace loving hippies.Beyond bad....beyond entertainment....she is the key to everything....but don't waste your time watching...the ending is horrible and the acting is so bad you have to watch it to see just how bad it can be...Trip lives, Ando dies...and the dialogue is some of the worst and cheesiest crap to be pumped out since Mansquito! Part Starship Toopers (the bugs are the best part), part The Fifth Element, and part "so you think you can act" this movie is one to be missed since I've just told you the whole thing...Shame on the sci-fi channel....there are so many good stories out there to be told...stop making them into 2 hour movies...make them 1/5 hours and the movie will be better because there is less of it to watch.