Spirit Trap

2005 "There's a thin line between life and death."
4.4| 1h31m| R| en| More Info
Released: 12 August 2005 Released
Producted By: Castel Film
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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When five young students move into an old unoccupied mansion an inexplicable chain of events is set into motion as a mysterious spirit clock begins to tick again. As the story unfolds, revealing each student's dark secrets, the boundary between the real world and the afterlife is no longer clear. Will they find a way to escape or will they be trapped with the spirits forever?


Horror, Thriller

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Spirit Trap Audience Reviews

Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
happyhead64 I don't know what everyone is screaming about this film being horrible. The acting was pretty good, the story line was GREAT (the twist reminded me of Skeleton Key), and the effects were ample and done well. I would definitely watch this again. This kind of movie is one that you have to watch and pay VERY close attention, because the director and the writers threw facts and background at the viewer bit by bit, slowly, building up to the final climax. The only issue I had was that this is a British film, and I had a bit of a hard time understanding some of the dialog, especially when spoken quickly. Other than that, I liked it. I liked the story and the house, I would LOVE to have this house, just as it is.
loopydalolo 'Spirit Trap' This movie severely disappointed me. I felt it wasted a lot of time with stupid and pointless story lines. It was very unclear on which story line it was on, which were the main ones, which had nothing really to do with the movie and finally it was horribly acted.The first story line that I thought lead nowhere and wasted the viewers time is the one about Nick and his late brother Sam. This story line did play a prominent part throughout the movie until the end when it just stopped. There was so solution or resolution. It just disappeared. I found this unfortunate as there was so much that could have been done with it. It could very easily have escalated into an exciting storyline and have contributed hugely to the main plot. Needless to say it did fit in with the overall theme of the movie.I quickly became confused with the main plot because again, it was solved. There was no result. How was Tom a killer? We are left to imagine his history. Fair enough, we are told that drugs are involved but that is all. Although we are only left to our own devices for about half of the movie until he kills his girlfriend, Adele.I thought that it was badly acted. I like Billie Piper and Sam Troughton but they did not perform well in this movie. They really disappointed me. I felt I was watching and amateur movie that was made as a college assignment or something to that effect.Overall, I felt this movie was a waste of a storyline, a waste of actors, a waste of time and ultimately a waste of a film!!
p-morgan73-1 Everything that's wrong with this pic has been covered already. I was reserving judgement until about eight seconds into the dire opening theme music & credits and it all went progressively downhill from there.I started to notice little things like....their suitcases/packs were carried about in the opening scenes like they were empty or in the packs case stuffed with bubblewrap. I know it's a minor thing but if they can't get that right what chance the rest of the film?. The set, as mentioned, looked as if it had soaked up most of the budget but still looked like it was designed and built by Dan Dan the Am Dram Man. The script was dire, the acting was passable in places but nothing special and the plot flaws and general credibility of some of the scenes lacked commonsense. Now I know students aren't the tidiest of creatures and I was one once but a badly flooded bathroom is a pretty serious issue in terms of damage to electrics and rooms below as well as general mopping up - not in this film. How some people rated this with more than two stars is beyond me. What would they give a really excellent exceptional movie?. As for Billie Piper...if this was a springboard into serious acting then I'd seriously revive the 'pop' career.
Claudio Carvalho In London, four students have a call from the student accommodation office of the local university offering lodging in an old house. The psychic Jenny (Billie Piper), the graph design student Nick (Sam Troughton), and the couple of lovers and drug dealers Tom (Luke Mably) and Adele (Emma Catherwood) are welcomed by the weird Tina (Alsou). Nick fixes a spirit clock, and sooner Jenny sees the crimes that happened in the house in the past, when two lovers died. Along the two next days, Jenny, Nick, Tom and Adele disclose that each one of them had killed a person on the past and also that they are trapped in the house, since a ghost is claiming a killer for a killer to release the soul of Edmund Joseph.The storyline of "Spirit Trap" is very interesting and quite original, but the screenplay is not so good since presents this idea in a confused way. I liked the concept that a soul could be exchanged by another in hell provided the basic rule of "a killer for a killer" is accomplished. I liked also the performance of the unknown cast. In my opinion, there are some unfair and some exaggerated reviews in IMDb, since this movie is neither a crap nor a masterpiece, only another reasonable and entertaining haunted house horror film .My vote is six.Title (Brazil): "A Armadilha dos Espíritos" ("The Trap of the Spirits")