How sad is this?
Nayan Gough
A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Tayyab Torres
Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
You just know that the difficult 14 year old brat was going to bond with the courier in "Special Delivery."What was the girl's father really up to? Why did the mother surrender custody at the time of the divorce? What's really going on with the courier's boss? These are some of the questions that could have been handled better.That being said, we still have a pretty good movie. Of course, it's hard to believe that our "brat" is only 14. She could have passed for a woman.The bonding between the two girls is really significant given the tragic death of the courier's own daughter, which led to the dissolving of her marriage. By the way, the guy who played the husband could certainly double as an Al Gore-look alike.
I see why people mightn't like this movie.. But personally it just sort of worked for me... I only watched it because I am a big fan of Lisa Edelstein. I did find the storyline funny and for a relaxing evening film- I really enjoyed it..I love Lisa Edelstein and I think she makes the best out of what might not be a great film.. (I love her being "not-feminine" in roles like this)...but for some reason the chemistry between her character and Brenda Song's character a bit weird... it seemed quite put on... (well of course I suppose since they are acting...) I don't know... maybe I'm just not a great Brenda Song fan! (I've never seen her in anything before this...)Anyway, overall I thought that this was a funny film (I especially loved "I broke my heel" "So break the other one!") and a good chick flick for when you're feeling down!
this lady missed the whole point of the's supposed to be a chick flick, supposed to be a fun romp not a plot-driven drama- two mismatched indviduals...lisa edelstein (from HOUSE) as the divorced, now childless former DA, who can only stand to now work as a joylesss courier has to pick up- unbeknownst to her- Brenda Song (from SUITE LIFE OF ZACK & CODY)- the spoiled brat of a daughter of a wealthy businessman stuck in's less about intricate plotting or an ex-cop and Asian actor chasing them- and more about the dynamics of these two characters completely at odds with one another- on the run ala MIDNIGHT RUN.Stink a roo indeed- lady you missed the boat, plane and train on this one.
This movie was awful.When a Asian guy with a bit part playing a retired cop and has only about 10 minutes of air time is the most interesting character, run for the remote and switch channels.Its the story of a woman hired to bring a girl from Asia back to Hawaii as her parents battle over custody. The fathers a bigwig in business with guys after him to get his money. The mother is a woman who was screwed over by her husbands power. Sounds interesting right? well, everything i just said takes up only about 10 minutes when pieced together.The plot would have been good if they picked better actors and defined the storyline better. Both main characters, to me, seemed annoying.The woman carrier wasn't feminine at all most of the film, and even after the makeup attempt by the young girl, her boyish mannuerisms outweight her beauty. Why her ex-husband still loved her i have no idea. I saw no chemistry between any of the characters.The Asian girl, from TV show zack & cody i think, was just a brat. This girl is the reason people don't have kids, lol. She wasn't funny nor remotely interesting to me.The story of bad guys after them could have made for fun adventures to make this movie more interesting, but that was left alone after 2 meek attempts at kidnapping.The bad guys were explained in the end, but it left the viewers hanging with no finale to that plot.This is a total chick flick.I give it a 5, and would recommend it only if nothing else was on TV. If you see something else on that peeks your interest in any way, choose that over this made for TV movie.Stink-A-Roo