Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Janae Milner
Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Fatma Suarez
The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
ignacio dv
Excellent movie, made me laughed all the way. Describes exactly what one would expect to be a 8 hours marijuana trip, with its fails and victories, laughs and fears, ups and downs. Though the plot is absolutely gripping, my biggest surprise was the flawless acting of Anna Faris, who seemed to be very into the part, having pot-like behaviors and looking like a real pothead. Giving the movie the essence it needed.I would recommend anyone, either smokers or non-smokers, to give 'smiley face' a try as it is just plain fun to watch and an awesome journey to wherever the wind blows.
Now this, fellow stoner users, is a great stoner movie. Anna Faris, better known as the innocent Cindy Campbell from the Scary Movies franchise, plays Jane, who gets real stoned and has lots of important stuff to do.The plot sounded nice from the beginning, but I wasn't expecting it to be so artistic. It's more of an adventure film rather than a comedy. It's something like... stoner adventure. Anyway, lots of funny moments here, great to watch when you yourself are stoned. Has an unexpected ending and oh, those situations... Haven't we all been there? Plus, good soundtrack. Watch it with your friends.
I love this movie for so many reasons. But there are also a lot of fault.#1- I love a good stoner movie. In addition, I love that its a GIRLS stoner movie! (I mean how many of those are there?!)#2- Anna Faris? Who knew? I always thought she was a really good actress but now I just have so much more respect for her as an actress. And she plays the role sooo unbelievably well!The negatives are pretty big unfortunately. The beginning 30-40 mins of this movie are perfection. Then for some reason it heads towards a downwards slope. In fact, it starts getting so bad that I totally lose interest & can't even finish the movie! When the beginning of a movie is so good, you kind of expect the middle and end to be equally as good but they lose me once they introduce this random Brevin character.I've watched the beginning of this movie dozens of times and always stop watching after the audition. But i'd love to find another movie like this one.
Nick Fearn
I came across this title looking at movies Anna Faris had been in, wondering how id never heard of a 2007 movie where she played the main role? No wonder I hadn't heard of it, this film is awful. Nothing makes sense, nothing is tied up, there is no point to anything, the only thing remotely worth watching is Faris's great ability to make herself look so spaced out all the time, which she does in most movies shes in anyway so if I were you I wouldn't waste your time, watch the house bunny or something mildly entertaining of Faris's instead...Maybe if you are completely baked as she is in the film you may find it funny, but then again if you SO baked you find this movie funny, you would probably have a laughing fit watching a monkey dance.One part I did like however was the part about putting things you like in a frame. Id definitely like to put lasagna in a frame!