Purely Joyful Movie!
In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Francene Odetta
It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
This movie starts out slow and you think you are in for a clunker, but then the plot and romance picks up and it is far more interesting than you initially expected. They added a sleigh as a thoughtful plot device, and happily used it sparingly, only when needed. I liked that they added Santa magic to this movie. The couple was believable even if Laurel was frustrating to watch, always pushing back instead of just going with the flow. Overall however, this had all the classic themes and pacing of a classic Hallmark Christmas movie, which is why it gets 10 out of 10.
One of the more enjoyable Christmas films from the Hallmark pantheon. This premise is based on current single mom reunites with former flame in hometown. They must plan and execute holiday festivities for the town including a parade with a SLEIGH. Don't you know one of their more memorable dates was on a sleigh ride! The sleigh disappears and reappears frequently and Santa look-a-like Mr. Winter comes to the rescue more than once. Cute premise, good acting, enjoyable holiday flick!
I watched "Christmas in the Smokies" the day before and realized that this movie has a similar story. A guy leaves town and a young love for fame and fortune then returns many years later. The story did not quite work in either movie. The two leads here were nice to watch. The guy reminds me of a young Gregory Peck. This was a pleasant movie but not a memorable one. The movie lagged in spots and I even dozed somewhere in the middle for a few scenes. I rate this one about the same as Matchmaker Santa in which the Santa Claus used that same finger on the nose for a magic thing- which I also saw at the end of this movie. Many scenes shot in an antique shop and a town office building were not inspiring. Why put anything about friend's husband restoring a car? Would not watch again.
Miss M
First review I guess! This movie was beautiful! I think that these Christmas movies have to deliver a lot of things, plot, good characters, but specially that feeling like when we used to open the presents on Christmas morning. That feeling of magic and happiness. And this movie accomplished it!The characters were great, the child, fortunately, wasn't annoying. And even though there were a few things that I was like "Really?" I actually enjoyed this movie. This won't go into my favorite Hallmark movies list, but it is definitely worth the watch, while having a hot cocoa in hand and snuggling in the couch.