Sick Product of a Sick System
Fresh and Exciting
if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Matylda Swan
It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
Jibriel Z
***May Contain Spoilers***In my opinion, you should watch the movie Skylark, because it is better than the book. Almost everything is the same, Sarah is the same, but she has different hair. Jacob is the same, but more emotional. Anna and Caleb are thee same but WAY more funnier, and The prairies and coyotes were just as I imagined.Skylark includes the aunts, Seal's babies, and Sarah's brother in law.I think the movie is better because it gives me more detail on how everything happened.(This is a school project)
The was the second segment in the trilogy of "Sarah, Plain and Tall." That opening movie, with the same title, was excellent and third in the series was very good, but this middle edition stunk.It simply did not have the charm of the other two. The story was too much of a downer, with the family spending a lot of time battling a drought. The young boy, who was cute in "Sarah," was just a whiner in this movie, constantly asking questions in his whiny, annoying voice. Overall, it committed the ultimate film sin - it was boring which is hard to do in a Christopher Walken movie. The film is the weakest of the three segments in the trilogy. Well, perhaps "unappealing" would be a better description than "weak."
These stories reminded me of Little House, Lois Lenski's books and the Waltons some. All very good, wholesome, w/ the emphasis on family, farm and the like.If you liked the first one, you will like this one-again fine reserved performances by Close and Walken(nice to see him doing this esp), the kids are believable, the filming all done on location. It's great to see the usual hazards-fires, barnraising, drought, separation, etc trotted out and done w/ some conviction.*** do check it out.
Skylark was a great follow-up on Sarah, Plain and Tall. There were new conflicts to be resolved, and the cast of characters expanded to add Sarah's brother, sister-in-law, and her three aunts. Sarah and Jacob were married in the last film, but in spite of her love for her new family and her new life, Sarah still misses her old home. It doesn't help that the Kansas is now facing a drought, and there is an alarming scarcity of water. Sarah and her family watch as their friends move away, trying to find a better home, but Sarah and Jacob are determined to stay until the end. Or at least until something devestating happens, that causes Jacob to move Sarah and the children away. Sarah takes them back to Maine, and there they stay, while Jacob lives on in Kansas, trying to wait out the drought that plagues the land. I loved this film, and especially the ending, which shows that true love can span a continent, if need be. Once more, Glenn Close is superb as Sarah, and Christopher Walken is magnificent in his role as well. I highly recommend it to everyone.