Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
best movie i've ever seen.
Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Matylda Swan
It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
Symbolic horrordrama about a relationship of two young artists heading for a storm. Lots of beautiful classical sounding music (double bass, violin and piano by The orange mighty trio), but it's used too much and too easily for my taste. The lovely scene at the end, with Swanberg reading a book on the couch at the end of the room and Sheil dancing half naked with a monster mask on, offers a welcome change in that with some whipping jungle disco music.Many scenes take place within one static shot, but a lot of them couldn't convince me, acting- or dialogue-wise. The opening with Adams and Fessenden was the best one in that respect; it had a natural feel to it.Swanberg does build up a decent story though, but horrorfilmfans will have to wait quite patiently, and even then... the horror wasn't all that great. The very end, Sheil doing her make-up and getting herself to cry, was pretty okay. And throughout the film, the scenes that have the grayish filter are nice ones, too - having somewhat of a nightmarish quality to them.All in all lots of pluses and minuses. Maybe it's one to let simmer in the mind for a while, and try again later...
You don't have to worry about me writing a spoiler in this review. There is nothing to spoil. I rented this movie based on three glowing reviews - of whom, if I had the time, I would write to and personally to complain. But, I rented it and here is my review:The main characters are, in my opinion, the three hipster friends that decided to make this movie. Meaning I doubt little work went into finding actors outside their local dive bar. In this movie, the two male actors are directors - one with an ego and one that can be described as wanting an ego but not confident enough to have one - quite yet. The female actor is a shy, quiet cute girl with no personality who loves her hair. Since I do not know any of these actors in person, nor have I ever seen an interview, the boring, monotone delivery of lines may be what they were going for. The shy director and the young girl are boyfriend/girlfriend. She gets a role working for the egotistical director. This causes tension. And I won't go any further than that in the description, as I am a sadist and would prefer you to witness the story (lack of story) unfold for yourselves. I found myself feeling trapped at a loft in Brooklyn with young faces with beards and pretty girls with no personalities but pretty features. This movie made me wonder how movies are picked up and distributed. I am sure the actor, director, or producer was friends with the three reviewers that gave the movie such great reviews. If you decide to watch this, I suggest you sucker a friend into renting it on their dime and you offer to bring the beers.