Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Excellent, Without a doubt!!
By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
A family on vacation in Florida decides to indulge Dad (Hart) and his hobby of roadside attractions. He takes them to the Side Sho an abandoned carnival in hopes of taking some pictures. Before you can yell "Redneck Hell" the family is under attack by side show freaks and nasty redneck fellows who imprison the women. Dad and his 12 year old son (Ballard) come up with a plan to free the women and escape. Things are handled so poorly from the beginning and the script is so stupid, you will hardly care. Director Michael D'Anna doesn't squeeze one drop of atmosphere out of the old dark carnival which should have been dripping with it. There isn't a jump scare in sight, the make up effects are uneven and inconsistent and the blood, and there is a lot of it, is so poor and overdone it delivers no impact at all. It should also be pointed out that the musical score by composer Leonard Wolf is so bad it kills off any chance of even an accidental scare.
...When your victims rack up a higher body count than your villains do.Before the first of our family in a bad place is killed, they have already managed to knock off three of the bad guys and one bystander. Sorry, it really doesn't make for much tension when the enemy force is completely ineffective.Like the one scene where they've just escaped after knocking off three people, and they are being chased by a guy who wades into the water after them as they try to get an outboard motor started. Now, the build up is nicely shot, they make this particular bad guy look kind of ominous, but then he walks right into the blade of the propeller and gets gutted.Heck, the good guys do more damage to themselves than the bad guys do to them.It seems like they saw a lot of other slasher films and tried to emulate them, (like the scene where the Dad says "Groovy" like Bruce Campbell in the Evil Dead)
Picked Side Sho on a rainy evening and gave it a try. Wife was not thrilled to watch horror but she got into it once it started. Both of us were pleasantly surprised with the quality. We did not expect much from this movie because we had not heard anything about it. We anticipated a rip off of many of the slasher movies. Not the same old story. Has some interesting twists. Don't want to give it away but was pretty good. Did not take itself too seriously but it got our attention. Was just long enough. Don't think the wife could have taken much more. Worth the effort. We both ended up enjoying it. Will tell our friends.
From the decrepit ranks of the already over-saturated 'Hillybilly Horror' sub-genre comes this woeful tale of a vacationing family terrorized by inbred rednecks. Sound familiar? Well it most definitely should to anyone with even a cursory knowledge of the horror genre. There is absolutely new here. The film seems content to recycle all thee old worn out clichés (deformed hicks, a peaceful family turned gun-toting killers when push comes to show, the rebellious daughter, the one 'freak' who's good at heart, etcetera...), but does even that half-heartedly enough to make this an utter waste of time. This is forgettable dreck, but humorously enough lead J.D. Hart once starred in a movie called "Films that Suck" earlier in his career, quite an ironic omen indeed.My Grade: D-