At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Deep Mood
So let's talk about this little film called "Shock Attack" First off, the story of the movie has been done before, pretty much giving us a flat out cliché of a story, A scientific mistake takes a toll, going horribly wrong, sending a group of people to go, and stop it. We have seen that in a lot of other movies..Next, the budget of this movie seriously flaws this entire thing, giving us an atrocious looking appearance, tying in shaky, nauseating camera angles, and motions, horrible lighting that looks as if it's being shot by a 2001 video camera. And extremely annoying sound effects, flipping to low, unclear audio to ear blasting loudness! It also effects the lines of the characters, quickly flipping from character, to character.. causing the characters to be cut off, or pause too long. Finally, it also has an annoying echo with voice, giving us nothing but lines that bounce off the walls at times.Now, the acting. Do I need to explain it? The acting was not good. Some lines, and convocations were clichéd and / or cheesy, the actors seemed to have no emphasis for they're lines, and they just seemed to be zoned out, seemingly giving absolutely no effort or care into they're characters at all. Finally, when drastic times came for drastic measures, once again, they seemed too not care one bit for what they were doing / acting.Finally, let's get to the main course! The creature! Which, like the rest of this movie, bombed. The creature was crap. I'm sorry. It just was, most of the time you saw a black - like shadow fumbling around the water, but when actual glimpses were seen, it was horrible. The CGI, like this movie was atrocious, once again showing that the budget of this movie completely bombed what could of been a decent little film.In conclusion, this was a complete waste of time. It shocked me that I actually sat around, hoping for something good. But. I was highly disappointed. I really can't recommend this to anyone. It's a MASSIVE waste of time, showing us nothing but a low - budget, cliché fest.