Purely Joyful Movie!
For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
Excellent but underrated film
Sameer Callahan
It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Everything is wrong in this abysmal effort, starting with a ridiculously smartass, juvenile "Holmes".
The high ratings must be from cast/crew members/friends/associates. I noted that one, rating the film 10/10, came from someone who has rated only two films here on IMdB.
1/10 for this gross insult to the Holmes genre. Avoid it. #
I would compare this movie to pond scum, if not for the fact that it would be an insult to pond scum.The acting is terrible, and - worse - the plot is nonsensical. Silly plot points are particularly troubling for a Sherlock Homes film, as the stories typically rely on intellectual consistency and insights. The fact that this film involves monsters and the White Chapel murders means it's not even suitable for children. As such, it's difficult to imagine how production was ever financed. A rich relative or generous government subsidies, perhaps? Ben Snyder's take on Sherlock Holmes is insipid ... but he certainly isn't helped by the stiff dialog.
netty ornce
If you are like me and enjoy Sir A. C. Doyle's version of Holmes and the other characters in the Holmes stories and how they contribute immensely tot he stories, then you may want to pass on this movie. On the other hand,I have read every story ever written by Doyle, Day, and L. King... and I can never get enough Holmes. If this sounds like you too, then it might be worth a gander. I will not ruin it for you by telling you what happens, but about 3/4 of the way through, there is a huge twist in the story...Don't worry.. you wont miss it... and for that reason, Idisliked the movie. This was only because I am such a nitpicker about accuracy when it comes to following Doyle's work. However... if you enjoy Holmes stories, and you like it when they are told in a different light than that of Doyle's (like Laurie King does, who.. If I may contradict myself a little... is my favorite writer) then you may like this movie. Personally it was ruined for me because of it's inaccuracy's But, if you don't mind that, and you are like me and want to see everything you can with Holmes in it, then watch and (hopefully)enjoy. As for the special effects that others have commented on in other reviews... What do you expect, it is only a "B" movie... and it was made in England! (Not that I do not agree with the others when Isay that the effects suck, but they do not ruin the movie) Lastly, I wanted to add that I gave the movie a 3 out of 10 rating because of My own experience with it and how I felt. Coincidently, you may have a different opinion on the movie if you can look past the movies inaccuracies like I cant.
Sherlock Holmes (2010) ** (out of 4) When the Robert Downey, Jr. version of SHERLOCK HOLMES was released you just knew it wouldn't take long for The Asylum to show up with their version. While I wouldn't say this film was better we at least get the benefit of a shorter running time. This time out, just as WWII is breaking out, Watson tells a woman another story of when he saw London on fire. We flash back to 1870 as Holmes (Ben Syder) and Watson (Gareth David-Lloyd) investigate a ship sinking where the only survivor says it was a sea monster that brought it down. Soon after wards a dinosaur-creature shows up so it's up to Holmes to try and figure where these monsters are coming from. Those expecting a Basil Rathbone type of Holmes are going to be solely disappointed but I think as long as you come into this thing understand that it is from The Asylum then you might not be all that bored. I think there are many, many problems with the film but I was surprised to see how much of it I was actually enjoying and I think had the left the monsters on screen for more of the running time then it could have been even better. Syder isn't too bad as Holmes, although I think the one thing he's missing is being able to convince us that he's this intelligent mastermind. David-Lloyd is actually a very good Watson and I thought he and Syder made for a pretty good team, although no one will be forgetting the Bathbone/Bruce films. The monster creations were also a lot better than I expected with the dinosaur looking extremely good. We're not talking JURASSIC PARK territory but it still looked fairly well for such a low-budget film. The one negative thing is that the story itself just has way too many holes and there are way too many dry moments that really make the 90-minute running time feel even longer than it actually is. I thought director Goldenberg actually did a good job with the style and visual look of the film. So, this SHERLOCK HOLMES is fairly well made and has some good things going for it but it's doubtful people will be watching this fifty-years from now.