The Age of Commercialism
Great Film overall
Aiden Melton
The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Bumpy Chip
It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Not up the the good old «classics» but still worth a peek or two. In the «summary», I mention this string of has beens of the... huh, «artsy» skin flicks, just to remind those who knew them that they appeared in such good oldies as (I know the titles seem «too obnoxious» to be true): «The crippled Poney (Phoney) Tony», «You won't make it to 70 mph», and the «classic» «The Ignorant Envious Cain Brother (who got his just rewards in bed)». All European movies -- many of which were still available here, in dubbed versions, some 20 years ago. Very well dubbed, I should ad. As an aged nostalgic person might say (*): «Where are to-day all those pioneering stars of adult movies ? -- They don't make them as they used to !» (big wink) -- (*) Who I am NOT... yet!
The movie has almost NO PLOT but they do make sure that you get to see enough skin for regular skin flick. I guess if you enjoy such movies then this is definitely the winner, I don't think it'll make a good Blockbuster night movie !!!