Thanks for the memories!
At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
This legendary Republic serial is certainly vigorously staged: - chariot races, atom guns, a whizzy armored car, a night-time siege on a walled city, an exploding mountain, a disintegrator ray, flying torpedoes, crazy planes, a mad scientist, an "I'll rule the world or destroy it!" despot, weird robots, a gladiatorial combat. Yes, this movie has everything: pulp plotting, risibly incredible situations, laughable dialogue, quasi-science, pasteboard characters, ham acting, side-splitting costumes and lots of ingeniously primitive special effects. But it's all mighty enjoyable entertainment, both for run of the mill audiences and the ultra-sophisticated. The former will become pleasurably involved in the movie, the latter will find it a real hoot. It's hard to believe that all this action with all these costumed extras milling around, plus all the special effects gadgetry, were realized on such a minuscule budget. The negative cost for the entire serial was only $99,222. It took less than a month (from 3 March to 28 March 1936 inclusive) to shoot.A lot of the technical work is highly professional too (photography, film editing - despite some ill-matching ancient stock footage in the opening episode), though the music score is one of the most entertainingly pedestrian we've ever heard. It tones in delightfully with the corny efforts of the players (though it must be admitted that Crash is certainly an athletic enough hero, and Miss Wilde, if dowdily costumed, makes a pretty enough heroine).
This serial was cranked out even quicker than usual for Republic, in direct response to Universal's instant classic, Flash Gordon, and is, overall, rather sub-par for a Republic production.Our hero, Crash Corrigan, is an attempt at creating a poor man's Buster Crabbe, and while he is likable, adequate and has the right build and physical abilities to be a serial hero, he does not exude sufficient charisma, charm, virtue or cleverness so as to have us in our seats cheering him on.The main villain, Unga Khan, is an unsuccessful attempt to create an ersatz Ming the Merciless, looking more brain-damaged than sinister.And while Crash is adequate, most of the rest of the cast are either bland or sub-par, the exception being guy who played Unga Khan's main henchmen, who was pretty good. There is a just awful kid, Billy, the son of a geriatric scientist, who you keep hoping will get killed off, but no, he survives.And there is a nice-looking female lead who gets almost nothing to do the entire serial, and there are no romantic sparks between her and our hero, until the final chapter.Speaking of romantic sparks or the lack thereof, it is interesting to note that in the Kingdom of Atlantis, wherein our adventure occurs, there appear to be exactly zero women, until our aforementioned heroine arrives. I mean, in a literal sense, that although this serial has many male actors and extras, there is only 1 female throughout the whole 12 chapters. How this city's population has perpetuated itself these many thousands of years is a mystery not discussed, nor is the means by which the many, many male inhabitants of Atlantis relieved their sexual urges.This aspect of Atlantean life, plus the many scenes of our hero stripped down to his trunks wrestling other men stripped down to their trunks, not to mention the fact that Corrigan's Atlantean costume greatly resembles that of a Las Vegas showgirl, gives rise to much speculation.This serial has neither the verisimilitude of the classic Republic serials, nor the delirious phantasmagoria of Flash Gordon. Thus, it is amusing to see a couple chapters, but, and I say this as a fan of the classic serials, I found it tiresome to watch in its entirety.I should, however, give due praise to the fine miniature work by the Lydecker Brothers, and note that this serial marks the premier of the great Republic "water heater" robots, who would continue to appear in serials for the next 20 years. Thus, fans of Republic should see at least a chapter or two, and fans of serials, B-films, and kitch can also enjoy a couple chapters. But the whole things will probably be more than you need.
Daniel Richardson
I bought this in a box set with "The Phantom Empire". I watched Empire and liked it. First off, these two movies are pretty similar. Each serial has one main hero with a child or children as the sidekicks. Next they each deal with a hidden kingdom (or empire) right under our noses. Each kingdom or empire is destroyed in the end with only the "ones from above" surviving. And finally, each serial uses the "cheat ending" way too much. With that being said, this movie felt more like "The Phantom Empire"-lite. It seemed to move slower than Empire and the story wasn't as good either. Personally I liked Gene Autry better than Crash Corrigan. Now I'm not saying that this movie is bad, it's just not all that good. I gave it an "ok". I've only seen four serials and this ranks number three. If you like old serials, I recommend it. But if your new to the serial genre, I'd try something else.
This serial is just howlingly fantastic. Bonkers and almost pornographic in its butch antics. I used to show this in a cinema in the 1970s and the audience would just go berserk. As the credits started they would almost scream the roof off...the title comes on over a shot of a phallic submarine entering a seaweed encrusted cave. Our hero, "Crash" DOES only wear his fish-scale pattern underpants with a cape and big silver boots....and a very groovy helmet with a big fin. There is a lot of leftover BEN HUR and NOAHS ARK props to be seen from silent epics pressed into squeaky service at Republic for their first sci fi serial spectacular and I am sure this was a big fat hit with the kids in its day as it was 50 years later. A exact remake of the 1935 Mascot Pictures serial PHANTOM EMPIRE inherited when Republic absorbed Mascot, This one even has the tin can robots and a big metal Volkswagen they hoon around in. Wait until you see the part when Crash is tied spread eagle on the bonnet and his pubic hair is showing..A real crown pleaser if ever there was!. A must for every collection.