Sex and Breakfast

2007 "Inhibition is the enemy..."
4.8| 1h21m| R| en| More Info
Released: 29 November 2007 Released
Producted By: Brandman Productions
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Two young couples using anonymous sex as a catalyst to fix their troubled relationships must rethink what makes a connection work.


Drama, Comedy, Romance

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Miles Brandman

Production Companies

Brandman Productions


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Sex and Breakfast Audience Reviews

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
itamarscomix Sex and Breakfast tries to say something meaningful and profound about sex and relationships, but the script is so poorly conceived and constructed that any message it may have had is muddled up beyond recognition. If you're looking for an enlightenment, you're likely to end up either confused or angry; if you're looking just for entertainment, look somewhere else. The movie tries so hard to be important that it never even tries to entertain, and it ends up being neither. As a result it may be one of the dullest and most forgettable movies you'll see, despite its shock value (which is much less shocking than it tries to be), the admittedly intriguing subject matter, and the competent editing and cinematography. The sad truth is that the only real draw it has is a group sex scene featuring the kid from Home Alone.
scinatfilm While it's not an awful film, one would expect that the filmmakers (and I'm using the term loosely to include the cast and writer as well) would be able to explore some of the more complex emotions associated with sex. And no, I'm not complaining about the complete lack of nudity either (well, maybe I am a little). But some of the MOST erotic scenes in film history have had no nudity (think "Streetcar Named Desire") so it's hard for me to give a pass to the filmmakers here, because they really had no excuse for making these characters completely unsexy (and to do that to Eliza Dushku is a crime, BTW)Some films you want more because they "tasted so good." This one I wanted more because there was no substance (and not much style either)Check out "Lie With Me" or "Flannel Pajamas" if you're looking for a self-involved indie that deals frankly with sex.
StevenC428 I don't know who labelled this movie as 'selling sex' or 'unrealistic', because let me reassure you that this move is neither.First off, if you're expecting some type of nudity or comedy, this movie will offer neither. It has a very minimum amount of nudity and the jokes just fall short.With that, this movie is just not about sex. It brings us to a very realistic world where couples do struggle to keep their relationship alive. Culkin and Dziena star as a couple, though very much in love, have trouble keeping up with a satisfying sex life. Dziena's failure to have a orgasm with Culkin is their main issue. Dushku and Becker is yet another couple who want to try new things in order to keep a spark in their sex life. Both couples turn to group sex counseling as a possible solution to their issues.I've heard of group sex counseling before and it is a very real thing. The movie broadens on the issue and shows the advantages and disadvantages of it. This movie is not 'unrealistic' and many people turn to group sex counseling as a possible solution. And this movie is not about 'selling sex' because there are barely any sex scenes in the film. I've seen horror films with more sex than this film...maybe you should turn to those films.The movie is awkward and the dialogue is a bit brim. The acting from the cast is a bit overrated and over-dramatic. Usually, Dushku performs well in her films but she fell flat with this one.
gradyharp Though many will avoid this little film because the title and DVD cover suggest a mindless mélange of sexual encounters, those who can get past these flaws will find a well written (Miles Brandman) examination of young people's concepts of relationships and how to keep them. Brandman also directs this stylish charmer and has at his disposal actors not usually associated with a more serious type of story.James (Macaulay Culkin) and Heather (Alexis Dziena) are young, attractive and in love, though Heather is finally able to confide in James that she is unable to achieve orgasm in their otherwise satisfactory sex life. Ellis (Kuno Becker) and Renee (Eliza Dushku) are another couple whose intimate life has lost its sparkle. Each of the couples (who have never met) hears about sex therapist Dr. Wellbridge (Joanna Miles) who supports the concept of group sex as a means to strengthen relationships grown stale. Each couple meets with the doctor, reveals their insecurities and fears and Dr. Wellbridge arranges a 'session' for the two couples to share an evening of intimate interaction. How this 'change' alters each couple's relationship is the message of the film: some surprises are in store that are unsuspected.Yes, there is comedy here and yes, there is thoughtful dialog, but the pleasure of the film lies in discovering the expanded acting abilities demonstrated by these four young attractive actors. The film may not be deep, but it does entertain and it most certainly has some useful information about love and relationships we all need to know. Grady Harp