Ezmae Chang
This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
I found a VHS recording of this when it aired as a CBS Special and watched it not too long ago. Shown in the late 80's, I loved the message of Christmas as a holiday of giving, not getting, "especially the presents you can't wrap". Santabear is given a mission by Santa himself to deliver presents to the South Pole, where hardly anyone believes in Santa Clause, or Christmas. He's also warned of Bullybear, his evil counterpart, who steals his sack of gifts and attempts to ruin Christmas in a worse way than just taking them for himself. Bullybear plans to deliver the toys used and broken, to destroy everyone's faith in Santa all over the world, starting by framing Santabear in the South Pole. Aided by Missy, Santabear recovers his good name, the toys, and exposes Bullybear. "Sooner or later, everyone shows their true colors". Very touching, without being sappy or religious. The lullaby Santabear sings is very sweet, but if you really listen to the lyrics, they read like bad poetry. It kinda makes sense, though, since he says he's "making it up as he goes".It's inspiring in it's simplicity, especially in this day and age, but I get pretty nostalgic about the 80s and 90s.