I love this movie so much
Memorable, crazy movie
It's not great by any means, but it's a pretty good movie that didn't leave me filled with regret for investing time in it.
Verity Robins
Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
This is one of those films that don't appear much on paper and you watch when you have exhausted all other avenues. I had never heard of the film and it appears to have had a very limited cinema release. I therefore wasn't expecting much. I was surprised as the cast list which boasts an impressive array of talent. Pierce Brosnan, Jennifer Connolley, Greg Kinnear, Marisa Tomei and Ed Harris are all quality actors and it would take a particularly bad script for this to be a turkey. This is a dark comedy and it doesn't always work, the plot is pretty flimsy and at times especially early on it drags a bit but once it hits its stride there are plenty of dark comedic moments as Greg Kinnear (an excellent performance) goes on the run. This film probably won't be anything you haven't seen before but it is pretty entertaining and worth at least one watch.
The movie wasn't as good as the subject matter. Sure it has great actors, Greg, Marissa, Jennifer & Ed but the person who got me stuck was the daughter. I watched it on a morning I wasn't feeling well, and thoroughly enjoyed it. Afterwards it left me wondering all day who was the actress playing the daughter? I'd recommend it to a non-deeply religious friend. It's definitely worth a lot of thought, especially for those that have questions. It is a satire comedy that follows the theory that a terrible thing can happen to a nice person. How a guy can be so ignorantly attached to a family that has a very small grip on reality. I know people like Jennifer & her dad's character's; those that don't want to believe and who replace fantasy with reality. I don't blame them, life can be really hard.
First off, let me make it clear that I have no problem with people taking a pop at Tele-evangelists or the dolts who are conned by them. They are ripe for satire and justifiably so. But this film does nobody a service.If you ever needed confirmation that Pierce Brosnan couldn't act his way out of a paper bag then look no further. He is truly, truly terrible. His accent fluctuates between the Queen's English, Australian and Sarf London with no rhyme or reason. In the ill-fitting role of Charismatic Church Leader, he comes across as so insincere, so fake that not even the most rabid creationist would buy it. He is, in a word, awful.But not just Mr Brosnon, no. Everybody is unsympathetic. Gregg Kinnear acts like he dropped one tablet too many somewhere along the line and I didn't give a toss about his plight. There was no one to care about here and no lucid ambition in the storytelling.Synopsis: Tele-evangelist tries to frame bird-brain follower and fails. The end.What was the point?!
The most people are thinking critically VERY reluctantly. The story is just about this our peculiarity. Sometimes it is very good to watch this kind of a movie or to read this kind of a book. It keeps fit!All the actors did their jobs brilliantly, and the casting itself was on top as well. Greg Kinnear is very "recognizable", Pierce Brosnan is very "typical", Marisa Tomei and Jennifer Connelly both are very "comprehensible". Not to mention the dad (Joe Hunt) and the other small characters there... Simply a great job! The sense of humor is just the way I like it - sharp enough, but not sarcastic. One may rather like the people than find them repulsing... What I am just saying? "Them"? Us! This piece is just a lot of fun.