a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Kamila Bell
This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
henri sauvage
For about the first forty minutes or so, this wasn't a bad movie at all. Neve McIntosh plays the distraught mother convincingly and Shaun Dooley does a fine job as a one-night stand who winds up really regretting that impulse. Despite a few minor stumbles, the film develops an engrossingly claustrophobic atmosphere of terror and paranoia.Which then crumbles under the weight of its muddled storyline and pedestrian plotting. For example, one particularly annoying "twist" occurs when they have Dooley attacked and pulled out of sight by the (still-unseen) monster while he's trying to climb into the attic, only to pop back up outside a few minutes later with no visible injuries and only a slight limp to show for the encounter. I guess mutant hell-beasts are like bears: play dead and maybe they'll leave you alone. The director was certainly smart not to show us much of the creature -- because what you do see isn't particularly frightening. (In fact, it reminded me of nothing so much as one of the boogeymen in the old Laurel and Hardy film, "March of the Wooden Soldiers".) But that's forgivable, so long as you don't climax your story by having your fearsome super-fast, super-strong monster -- which in the last hour and ten minutes has offed several of her neighbors and made mincemeat out of some heavily-armed special forces dunderheads -- summarily dispatched by a fireplace poker! I get the "frantic mom protecting her cub" angle, but it has to make you wonder what all the fuss was about. Maybe they should have equipped those SAS guys with sticks with a nail in them instead of assault rifles.And I know people don't always act reasonably when they're under extreme stress, but a daughter who looks her mother square in the face while deliberately locking her outside -- when she knows a savage, murderous creature is lurking about -- then just turns and walks away, all on account of some abandonment issues? That's cold. It completely destroyed any sympathy I might have had for the selfish, spiteful little drama queen. This was a good try. I'd have no hesitation about checking out another film by this director. It's not so bad that I'd urge people to give it a miss entirely, but it's disappointing to see a movie which initially had so much going for it end up missing the mark so badly.
If no one else wants to mention it? I will. To anyone outside the UK who doesn't know were this movie is shot, you might deem some entertainment value from this lower than B-movie horror. Unfortunately, to anyone inside the UK, once you realise its shot on the old set of the now cancelled liverpudlian soap 'Brookside' any atmosphere is instantly lost. Then you try to pinpoint which house was 'the one were Trevor Jordache was buried under the patio'. The location finder should have known that this street is etched into the memories of any self respecting British soap fan. Brookside. Brookside. Brookside. Brookside.
I had heard about this film some time ago, and was quite excited to finally get a hold of it. Based on a single street, a woman has a falling out with her semi estranged Daughter. Not long after all hell breaks loose.While the film has a relatively low budget, the movie is quite well filmed. The downside is this is far from being an action flick, with little in the way of violence. So it really relies on dialogue to push the film along... This is where things fall apart.The two gripes I had with this film was inconsistent acting and not being able to hear them! I was constantly having to juggle the volume control, cranking the volume up for talking then having to quickly get it down before the speakers threatened to explode during loud scenes (which this movie loved using low end bass).Overall i give this a 5 and that is really stretching it.
Let me say how desperate, I've been searching for a good movie lately. I've been keeping my hopes up and I thought Salvage, due to it's pretty interesting plot summary, could do the trick. I was halfway right. First off I'll start with the pros about Salvage. The opening 20 minutes was very well done. It was interesting and by the time the carnage started it was very suspenseful. The actors were all average at the very worst a little over the top sometimes (Especially the lead) but nonetheless they were good at what they do. The creature effects were great, as were the gore effects.Now here are the cons. Nothing really interesting happens during the next hour of the movie. Other than 2 Extremely well done scenes that were actually scary and suspenseful (An attic scene and a tense shootout), the rest just was there. I couldn't follow what was going on because I was drifting in and out of consciousness during the whole movie. It never really felt like anyone was in any real danger; and it tried to be several different movies at once. (Think 28 Days Later, The Descent, and any creature feature, and you pretty much have Salvage, of course you can do this with most movies but Salvage didn't really try anything differently). I'm not saying that the over the top gore was comical it just felt really out of place at times and kinda took any realism this could have had to build suspense (By this point I had stopped caring).I really don't want to give it a 6 or give it a 5 because it was pretty much dead center to me. But, I'll be generous and give it a 6 for trying. The effort put into it alone made it a 5/10 but as for the script it just didn't do it for me. And by the way I really love British Cinema... I'd recommend to those who liked Salvage to check out The Descent and 28 Days Later if they want other good British horror flicks (Odds are if you have seen Salvage you've seen the other two)