Saints and Soldiers: Airborne Creed

5.7| 1h34m| PG-13| en| More Info
Released: 17 August 2012 Released
Producted By: Koan Films
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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On August 15, 1944 the 517th Parachute Regimental Combat Team (PRCT) jumped over the south of France. Their mission was to support and protect the Allied Troops marching to Berlin. Landing in enemy territory, they fell under immediate attack. In their effort to complete the mission and rendez-vous with their unit, three isolated paratroopers come across a group of French resistants in desperate need. They decide to help liberate some of the captive Partisans. Doing so they will risk their lives.


Drama, Action, War

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Ryan Little

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Koan Films


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Saints and Soldiers: Airborne Creed Audience Reviews

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Fulke Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
fudbot-137-204912 Like it's predecessor, this movie goes too much out of it's way to make the Nazis seem nice and really not the sadistic, racist, war-like psychos they were raised to be. This film even tries to depict the Germans commander who executes French civilians in a sympathetic way....I was like, WTF? The long drawn out shallow exposition in some of the scenes belong more as cut scenes in video games. The characters seem to talk about things, that were not known until after the war, as though they read them in history books. While I do enjoy low budget independent films, but this one and all the others in this series are garbage. Not even close to the low budget HBO series Band of Brothers or The Pacific. If you want a watered down and cheesy look at what war is about then you should watch this.
Richard Truesdell As a fan of the World War II genre, I can say that this movie is so much more than the sum of its individual parts. The acting was believable and if one overlooks a few of the plot gaps, this is an enjoyable way to spend 100 minutes.Saints and Soldiers leaves you with feelings for all the main characters, something that many big-budget WWII productions lack. It's not a classic by any stretch of the imagination but when the movie is over you will feel satisfied.The movie is currently available on Netflix so it's easy to overlook. Don't, you'll be missing a movie well worth watching.
Theo Robertson This is a prequel to the 2003 film SAINTS AND SOLDIERS . It seems very strange producing a film ten years after especially if it's as quickly forgotten as the original . That said the original S&S was a different type of war film that put a human face on war . The point it made was that wars aren't fought by combatants but by human beings and this prequel follows in the same footsteps Actually it perhaps follows a bit too slavishly . If you didn't notice the point in the 2003 movie then AIRBORN CREED will remind even the densest viewer . The opening scene features a German officer talking to his young son - while he arranges the execution of two French resistance members . Interesting that he's not some goose stepping dogmatic Nazi ideologue but a normal member of the Wehrmacht . The rest of the film continues in the same vein with the same strengths and weaknesses as the first film . It's never as deep and as profound as it thinks it is and my abiding memory of it is Americans and Frenchmen fighting alongside one another which is not something you see very often in Hollywood war movies
s-cheah When I watched the first Saints and Soldiers I was impressed, it was better than most WWII films containing some good actions sequences and a story that successfully touched on the implications of war on people.Naturally when I saw Saints and Soldiers Airborne Creed I was hoping it would live up to or exceed the first film. I have been left disappointed though. A positive I will give to the film is that for a low budget movie, it is not noticeable reflecting the good work of the director and so forth. I found the plot all but absent though, the only constant throughout the film is the character of Deacon but even then the "story" strays away from him in a failed effort to try and shed some light on other characters. The film just felt like a sequence of events that built up to nothing, no lessons to be learned etc. When the credits rolled I literally went "is that it?" I'm not a man who needs a nice clear ending but I do think if someone tells a story I should come away having learned something, Saints and Soldiers failed to that for me.I think the lesson of the movie was meant to be the stereotypical one of all soldiers being normal human beings and the only difference between enemy and ally is a uniform. However the opening scene took away from this somewhat, and certain lines about Nazi's also dehumanized the film which proved counter-productive to the lesson I assume the film was trying to tell me.I though the acting was hit and miss in the film as well, I found it really unimpressive during the first half of the film but the second half was better and the performances given by the actors were more emotional and compelling. I thought the guy who played Deacon was good in the first Saints and Soldiers but then again he didn't say much, in this one he is more of a character but sometimes his delivery of lines seem a bit flat. I don't really like being a negative reviewer especially for a low budget film that in terms of cinematography was done very nicely. However the story was a huge let down and the acting a little bit bland at times. I bought the DVD for £1.99 and on reflection that was probably a good price to pay, any higher than £3-4 and I would feel as if the film hadn't been worth watching.