To me, this movie is perfection.
Excellent adaptation.
Arianna Moses
Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
This is a movie that is built on the emotions of Sikhs and if you don't support this movie, you are declared anti-Sikh or pro-Indian Government. But trust me, there is absolutely zero content in this movie. While the story of protagonist inspired from Jagtar Singh Hawara is shown inaccurately with the worst of acting and direction, the movie has a sub-plot entirely ripped off from the Konkana Sen starer movie 'Amu'. I won't go into any details of how pathetic this movie is in terms of story-line, acting and direction; trust me and save your time by not watching it. Also, the movie 'Amu' from where half the movie is copied, is a great watch and revolves around Anti-Sikh riots of Delhi. It's available on YouTube, go for it.
Jashan Randhawa
After all the hype created by Sadda haq,i had a lot of expectations from this movie. It was not as interesting as i had anticipated.The story is fine.Telling us About the contribution of Jagtar singh Hawara In the Struggle of Armed Sikhs against Anti Sikh Policies of the government. The movie in its story tells us that how the cops in that era,just for the sake of their promotions Killed innocent people,It also shows us the dark side of Some Sikhs who used the situation for their personal benefits in the name of Sikh struggle. Acting was Fine but the direction could have been better. The movie is above average.if you got the time.than just go ahead and watch it.
Raj Grewal
Its a good attempt from Punjabi Cinema on lines of Bollywood............. Bollywood has minted a lot of money from India-Pakistan politics based movies..... SO Punjabi directors thought why not use the same old idea to mint money.... Punjab has seen very times. Post operation bluestar was the worst time for Punjab. I have lived those times. People were scared to go out of their homes. Everyday non sikhs were pulled out of the buses and killed. I myself am a Sikh and have done a lot of research on Violence and Sikhism. None of the Gurus promoted Violence. But some idiotic people bring Guru Gobind Singh's name to emotionally blackmail average IQ people. Religion is one thing that very easy to manipulate in common mob. Few of the power hungry people manipulate normal mob's emotions. They get their power and money but the mob suffers. During all this terrorism movement , it was the common mob that suffered. Even this movie depicts that, although it failed to depict that a lot of non sikhs suffered a lot during this. Overall I am just giving this movie 2/10, just because we need to let heal of our old wounds rather than keeping them bleeding........... I don't know what other people saw in this movie and they kept giving EXCEPTIONAL to this movie. To me it was just half reality portrayed, And Jazzy B song, comparing Guru Gobind SIngh with low life terrorists, is absolutely blasphemous. Its Just like people getting message out from GITA to kill people and Jehad justifying killing as well......... I guess people think what they want to think.............
Excellent film. Well directed and accurate depiction of the human rights abuse of Sikhs in India. The characters have depth and the portrayal of events are typical of those reported in the archives. The film employs many cinematic techniques to ensure that the drama does not let up too quickly.Violence for violence itself is never good, however the action sequences in the film were well justified anticomplement the plot very well. The main hero is seen to take a beating and not just jumping all over the other protagonists. All in all a great watch and would definitely recommend going to see it to anyone who enjoys good quality cinema with a dose of realism that makes the movie only more enjoyable to watch..