Simply A Masterpiece
This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Allison Davies
The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Kachai McLean
Ruby Bridges, an African-American girl who, in 1960 at age 6, helped to integrate the all-white schools of New Orleans. Although she was the only black girl to come to the school she was sent to.All the white parents took their kids out of school so therefore Ruby was the only child in the school.Everyday Ruby went to school she was faced to angry white people where they cussed at her , said hurtful and racism things. Ruby had an a teacher named Barbara Henry that was by her side while parents were doing hurtful things like taking their kids out of the class ruby was in. Ms.Henry still taught Ruby as if she was teaching an whole class.
And I don't mean that in the way that everyone says during a bad movie. This was honestly the most terrible film I have had the misfortune to view. The acting was terrible, but I don't really blame the actors, because the script was on the level of a fourth grade play. There were times when I laughed out loud at the words coming out of the actors mouths. There is also an angry mob that chants one thing over and over through out the entire film, and it eventually becomes funny. Many parts just didn't make sense, and the people acted very strangely, as if they were in an illogically blocked, once again, fourth grade play. Even the scoring was bad. Everything about this movie was just horrid. I have seen Disney Channel sitcoms with twice the acting, writing, and production of "Ruby Bridges". No one in their right mind could think this movie has any value, regardless of the subject.
I happened to see this movie in my son's second grade classroom when I was volunteering as a parent helper. The film and Ruby Bridges herself are truly inspiring, more poignant and heartwrenching because I know it is a true story, and that this year-long incident actually happened within my lifetime. The script doesn't seem to take liberties with reality and sticks to the truth as I understand it.Wars against injustice are fought one battle at a time. And this movie really brings home the story in such a powerfully understated way that children, and adults alike, are able to appreciate and relate to Ruby's unrelenting bravery. As a result, we are perhaps better prepared to search for and find a bit of bravery in ourselves to rise up whenever we get the chance. The movie is well done and it was refreshing to see that it wasn't overacted or overdirected. The story alone is enough that it doesn't require the usual sprucing up by Hollywood.To another reviewer who found it "yawn" provoking I would only say, sorry there were no car crashes, bloody scenes, knife wielding maniacs, naked ladies, or otherwise thrilling happenings gratuitously added in to try to hold the interest of viewers such as himself. There was only an angry mob of white, so-called Christians threatening and poised to attack a SIX YEAR OLD LITTLE GIRL. Perhaps he doesn't understand that this is a true story. This means IT REALLY HAPPENED. To me, the bravery of one small first grader is more exciting to learn about than all of the fictional Terminators/Arnolds, Rambos, Dirty Harry's, etc., etc., combined.
This type of movie and, in particular this specific movie, is the perfect venue for parents and children to watch together and then share and discuss other real-life events they have encountered dealing with man's inhumanity to man. We take it for granted that anyone can walk up to any lunch counter and order a coke, or drink from any drinking fountain, or sit in any open seat on any bus, or walk into his or her designated electorate polling place unhampered, or enjoy countless other privileges which we can take for granted now; while, just 44 short years ago, persons of certain skin colors or ethnicities could not without great personal risk.
The movie itself is quite long and his teacher showed it in two 45 minute segments including several discussion pauses while viewing. I really have to thank my son's teacher for sharing this movie with her class and myself, and for providing the excellent education he is receiving. The children's book by Robert Coles (the real-life psychiatrist who is portrayed by Kevin Pollak in the film) is also highly recommended reading for children.
My son was also delighted to see that some of the music in the film was composed by Patrice Rushen who sings his favorite song, "Forget Me Nots."
To another reviewer I would like to ask, if there are a dozen better movies on this topic, could I see a copy of that list? They must be spectacular!
There's probably at least a dozen movies like this one, but most are better. Ruby Bridges is a little black girl who breaks new grounds by attending an all-white school in New Orleans in 1960. The movie is not very inspiring and the acting is not very good. Skip this one.6 out of 10.