Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
I loved it. Definitely not for some. Very esoteric. Still, Really funny if you like dry humor over a subject that shouldn't be funny or just poking fun at Texas. Great acting, Great dialogue. A couple of big names in there Not that it needed it. Not something that would come on in theaters. Watched it on netflix with some friends. We had a good time. Re-watched it again recently. Love the pauses and staunch looks at real life relationships. Too real for some, I bet.My favorite parts were the scenes where main character has to go on interviews for jobs with a clearly no care attitude. Very real, Felt like many I have been in or seen happen. Seth rogan~esque in the sense that it shouldn't be funny to talk about real life, but sometimes is. Definitely worth a watch if you're into alternative humor.
I love independent films. For the most part, you must take some with a grain of salt to get through them. Sometimes they are so raw that you must look deep for the message, or meaning. And some have a simple provocative controversial thought they are trying to relay. You must take into account that these films are made on a shoe string budget and make allowances. Actually, I like the feel of the low budget Independent movies. With all that said, this movie wasn't worth the $ 500,000 they spent to make it.I saw this recently at one of our Independent Film movie theatres, "The Roxie" for a modest ticket price of $3.00. I spend more on a sandwich than this, but I and many more in the theatre wanted our money back. What a waste of time. I think my time is worth more than that, but they all can't be winners.Please remember that if you still decide to see it after you read my blurb and you agree that it sucked, "I told you so"
Byington crashes out of the gate with his third feature and this time his Terrence Malick styled voice overs vanish in favor of expert interview documentary/reality show indirect monologue. The crux of understanding rests on the audience's ability to decode and dismiss first act admissions of atrocity by the lead as absurd. His true confession does not come til the third act(begin spoiler) when he reveals that his punishable offense is sending a naked greeting card without a proper address to his girlfriend on her birthday(end spoiler). So the film works better on a second viewing because then his struggle to perform a role he does not feel is fairly assigned makes a different sense. Life itself demands performativity of nonvoluntarily assigned roles, so Byington's film serves as a useful meditation on complications of the existentialist dilemma in light of postmodern sensibilities of the authenticity of the simulacra. Performances and personas have become more real to society than authentically candid personalities: Byington may be unique in his ability to expose and problematize this phenomenon. The third act of RSO where Damian Young (character is named Bob Byington) announces "we won't do this anymore" and taxonomically pulls responsibility out of the lead as if with a long hook up the nose brings resolution to all of the character journeys with impossibly well choreographed plot devices.
m. hornet
I don't see a lot of independent films, and only go to a handful when they are around or if a friend is going. I saw this one last night, and was really surprise that i liked it. It's really "indie" in that there's no celebrities, only a couple that i think i've seen in stuff. It also just feels "indie", not sure how to describe it other than it's not like a normal film. Your watching it and it feels indie. I was surprised that I liked it so much... a lot of films like this i don't quiet understand why people like 'em. they're indie, so what? But for this one it was just so funny i laughed a lot. the main guy who plays in it, he's not like a normal movie leading man, he's like the guy who would be the main guys friend. or the bad guy. but he was just really funny. i would hate to be the girl in this movie! why is she with him? anyhow, you should see it if you like to laugh. even though it was a weird indie film i laughed more than i do in normal films. we were laughing so much! it kind of reminded me of the 40 year old guy, but without Steve carrel or the waxing scene.