Redundant and unnecessary.
Really Surprised!
People are voting emotionally.
Memorable, crazy movie
I agree with flimbuff's review. I never heard of this movie till I saw it on another board . . sounded interesting, so I watched it. What a good idea gone bad. Erik Palladino and Jennifer Rubin are both really good actors respectively, but even they can't save this movie. Comedy? Drama? Horror? (the various chopped off digits) . I think it should have gone the comedy route. Tony Denison is funny in this (is that a carbon monoxide detector?), as is Jon Polito, but they both are only in the movie for about 4 or 5 minutes each. The road trip was tediously boring (as were all of the lactose intolerant jokes and the camera equipment/film school dialog only a film student or a film geek would get). Oh, then it ends with "I Could Be Happy" by Altered Images played over the end credits. Huh???? An A for the actors, D- for all of the weird music choices (Hobo Thumpin' Slow Mo Babe?), an F for the lousy ADR, and finally, a D for the overall movie. Would like to see all of these great actors together again, in a good movie.
I bought a copy of ROAD KILL from Blockbuster the day it came out in Sept. of 2001, and when I watched it the other day, I was reminded of just how fun a film it is.It's about a film student named Alex (Erik Palladino) who ignores his classmates' "seriofilms" featuring talking genitalia, and perks up only when his Kung Fu film is being shown. Needless to say, his teacher isn't too impressed with Alex's work, so he gives him an ultimatum: Do a new film that is unique and intelligent, or flunk the course.Alex is stressed out not only by his instructor, but by a mobster he got his "student loan" from, and his wackily menacing henchman who likes to play with knives. One of the funniest characters is Lars (Billy Jayne) a bleach blonde art student who throws tantrums on a regular basis. The complaints about dairy foods and the paranoia about carbon monoxide were really hilarious.The guys have a mysterious neighbor named Blue (Jennifer Rubin) and when they find out that she is a contract killer who is getting ready to change careers, they beg her to take them along on the road to her next and last assignment. Most of the film is quite funny and lighthearted but it takes a dark turn about 80 minutes in. To me, there isn't an excessive amount of violence, and anyway, the person Blue was violent with deserved to be punished.Overall, ROAD KILL is a unique indie film, with great performances. I even liked the music, especially the song in the beginning. Is this the Kate Donnellon I've heard so much about??? I'd sure like to see Matthew Leutwyler's second film THIS SPACE BETWEEN US (hint, hint) and I'm looking ahead also to DEAD AND BREAKFAST. He's a talented director. There's really nothing bad I could say about ROAD KILL.I'd give it an A.
It was rated Youth Restricted at Blockbuster, but there's NO NUDITY!!!! It was ok for an indy film if you like the LA movie sceen, but I was expecting naked chicks, what a let down!!! I guess thats blockbusters fault for a misleading rating. Overall it had ok acting, but not a very unique plot, for some reason all young writers write movies about people in LA trying to write movies. huh
Checked this one out at the Santa Barbara film festival. It's a shame the release wasn't wider, there are definite cult possibilities. Impressive performance from "Silver Spoons" alum Billy Jayne. Perhaps a little too "pretentious student film" but had a lot of laughs and an unexpected touch to the end of the film.