I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Neive Bellamy
Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Calum Hutton
It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
I seen this I believe on MTV about a few years ago and I thought it was good so in the summer of 2004 I purchased this in the summer. Then I watched it and I was amazed how good it was. The movie is about a small band with the name of kut u up touring with Blink 182, Green day and Jimmy eat world. Just to let you know Kut u up is a small band used to playing in small dance clubs and stuff. So the band goes on tour and the movie just gets funny and funny. If you like to laugh I recommend this. Also If you like any of those bands than this is your movie. Its worth it and everything. This movie is filled with humorous things and has awesome performances from all the bands I mentioned. So go see this if you like to laugh or play a instrument or dreamed of rocking out.
I bought this,expecting a serious documentary.Since i love Blink 182,Jimmy Eat World,and Green Day,I bought it.I didn't notice at the top it said "Kut U Up In"...until the day after i bought it.I laughed the whole time i watched it,and i would suggest you buy it.If your a "protective parent" don't buy it,'cause it does have a lot of "foul"language.But....BUY IT!!!IT IS MOST DEFIANATLY WORTH IT....OK.lol,some quotes now. "Hey,if I heat this up,can I brand you?" "Somehow we didn't think it was gay to hold each other softly.""IT'S CRAZY!THERE WERE BOXES FLYING ALL OVER THE PLACE!""Oh,I'm going to puke"*imitates puking noise* "I didn't wanna go in with bad breath,so I puked it all out.""Ok,im gonna go back to the bus and watch satellite!"
This movie is so hilarious, the best thing i have ever seen. Its this minor band (Kut U Up) on tour with some bigger bands (green day, Blink-182, Jimmy eat world) its so great, and they go out and get really drunk and stoned and just have a great time and entertain us the whole time, its awesome! i think that every person who has ever listened to punk rock in there entire life will enjoy this dvd. If your out for a good laugh buy this DVD, you will love it, i sat and laughed for probably an hour straight. This movie is not appropriate for children and if your a protective parent dont even consider it, but if you dont care! go for it!