Redundant and unnecessary.
best movie i've ever seen.
The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Griff Lees
Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Conny Berger
He is a genius and explains our situation with big business, banks and the wealthy that control the politics. His explanation shows how Trump is fooling the ones who voted for him. By reducing taxes for the corporations the Wealthy will get bigger, There will be another stock market crash and the taxpayers will bail them out. Getting rid of the EPA powers, and school funding he will keep the poor in their place. (slaves for the Corporations. The corporation will still be in control with the lobby and no cap on what corporations can give to each party. He goes into detail and backs up his views with video history. It is a must see video.
Being an"intellectual" is not a prerequisite to understand what this man says. The actualization of what's happening to America in my lifetime greatly saddens me because we were once a might and great country. I'm not sure how we as a people will defend against this societal disease. I recommend this film be made part of the curriculum in schools if the wealthy don't prevent us. God help us as a nation. This film presents factual events as they happened and proposes future generations rectify the problems by throwing off apathy surrounding the voters and bring fresh insights to the political scene. Banking deregulation only contributed to the demise of the Middle Class. This country will be at the mercy of the war mongers with deep pockets that need a venue to enrich themselves at the cost of our blood. This is a most painful lesson that must be not be allowed. I strongly recommend this film.
"Chomsky finds the roots of the Requiem in how the United States was originally set up. The U.S. Constitution put power in the hands of the wealthy. The Constitution was written to prevent, not promote, democracy. Concentrations of wealth resulted in concentrations of political power. The course of our history has been defined by the struggles of this wealth and political power against upsurges in democratization, most notably in the 1930s labor movement and the 1960s peace, civil rights and women's movements.Power and wealth fought back against these popular movements by trying to shape ideology and manufacture consent. Elections are engineered. Attempts to regulate the economy are undermined. Solidarity of the American dreamers is attacked. As Chomsky has shown through earlier work ("Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media" with Edward S. Herman, 1988) control was extended beyond the use of force into the domain of culture by marketing compliance and marginalizing dissent.Chomsky himself provides an example of the extent to which dissent is marginalized when he chooses to avoid mentioning by name the great sources of ideas which help us understand how power and wealth function: socialists like Gramsci, Lukacs or even the scholar of the British Museum himself.Rather than end his dissertation in despair, Chomsky offers elements of hope, if not exactly a well lit path to redemption. Popular movements, efforts to dismantle illegitimate authority, freedom of speech and new forms of political action all offer hope. He cites philosopher John Dewey's admonition that institutions should be under participatory democratic control. What matters, relates Chomsky quoting his friend Historian Howard Zinn, is the countless deeds of unknown people who lay the basis for the events of human history. Ultimately, learning how the world works will greatly aid in changing it."
Noam Chomsky mentions the works of Joseph Stiglitz and Paul Krugman as two examples of renowned economists and Nobel Laureates who agree with his views, but what is different is the way he explains the development of inequality during the last 4 decades from the historical perspective of previous times when inequality was rampant during other times and the forces that drive societies into one direction or another. I don't agree with Chomsky on many issues, but this one he is spot on.I gave this movie a 9 star rating instead of 10 because the background music was too loud and seriously interfered with the understanding of what Chomsky was saying.Excellent documentary.