An absolute waste of money
It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Jenna Walter
The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Tayyab Torres
Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
bob the moo
I had always heard Hunter's name in relation to how good his stand-up was; he always seemed to be in the Guardian comedy section when he had a new show but I never got around to seeing him. This DVD was pretty much my first experience with him other than seeing him pop up on the odd panel show and the like. I had high hopes for the show but at the same time I wasn't loaded up on preconceptions about what I thought he should do – I was pretty open. The show starts really well with his natural swagger and relaxing accent easily winning over the crowd and soon he is off into observations about race and in particular English culture and life in England.On these topics I found him very funny and was right with him but unfortunately he cannot sustain it through the show. Comments on women and relationships tend to be more in his delivery than his material – which is OK because his delivery is very good throughout, but at times his topics are odd. His discussion with his father over people being into things is just weird – never convinces as real and appears to only be funny for shock value (and again, his charming way of delivering it). It is an odd note to finish a show on – particularly one that started so well and for a comedian who is said to be one of the sharpest around. Likewise a full section where he mocks Sex and the City 2 is out of nowhere and also far too easy for laughs – the film pretty much mocks itself without any help but he takes us through the plot of the whole thing.There was enough here for me to enjoy though and I did find it funny, just a little disappointing to hear so much about the guy over the years and come away with an OK show rather than a great one. Solid comedy but while it starts strong it sadly only dips from there.