Strong and Moving!
Not even bad in a good way
Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
I was expecting more balanced story between who He was and who He became, but that doesn't happens here. Instead, 90 % of the movie is concentrated on who He became and it is done well with thoughtful dialogs.Unfortunately it depicts a little of His violent past, blurry presented, and far from enough so we can feel the change. It is a warm story nicely told, but also doesn't goes beyond that, doesn't surprises, but follows a firmly determined line, and in the end instead culminating, slowly fades.However a good job is done her, since this is a hard story to tell. In the end I must say, a great performance by Jamie Foxx, well transformation.
Stanley "Tookie" Williams was the co-founder of the Crips. Ray Washington was the founder. The movie Redemption incorrectly portrays "Tookie" Williams as the founder, but he was not! I would like to see this information corrected on the IMDb movies website. It is true the "Tookie" Williams took the gang to a new level after becoming a member of the gang, but he did not found the gang. This is so disheartening to learn that mistakes like this are not caught before it is made available to millions of computer users. Please help me to get the word out that "Tookie" Williams did not found the Crips gang, but he did become a member of the gang that Ray Wasghington founded and then the name was changed.
I'm a resident of the bay area and I'm I was in the East Crip life for about 4 years since I was 13. I have recently been jumped out. This movie to me shows how flawed the justice system is. Anyone who has ever gone to court know that the death penalty is only for those who can not be rehabilitated but Tookie was rehabilitated and also help make me realize that things that I have done were wrong and people didn't deserve what I did to them. He helped me get out of the gang but now that hes been executed I have been jumped back in and have helped bust on the bloods and scraps. Yall all messed up for executing him. You will see what happens
Pa'tricia Plowden
I have watched the movie Redemption Two times and, I must say that it really touched me. First and foremost I don't agree with the way that our legal system is set up to begin with. Everyone likes to see criminals locked up behind bars to serve the time that they are sentenced. That is all fine and well but, what about when their sentence is up and, it's time for them to released back into "real population"??? Jails do not fully help people become rehabilitated because once they leave their cell they are basically on their own. In most instances after being released they are assigned to a Parole Officer to whom they report to. This is not enough what is needed is a back up system merely a support group. We don't want them to live in our neighborhoods and most companies don't want to hire ex-con's so what is their next resort back into a life of crime that ends up making the door to the jail house revolving. As I have stated earlier after watching the movie I have gained an interest in convicts and, on the conditions of their life in prison and beyond. I would like to see improvements in how they are treated while serving out their sentences. Now most will disagree with what I propose but, even though the jail house is full of rapist, child molester's, murders, etc.,. they are still human beings first.