A different way of telling a story
I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Suman Roberson
It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Aiden Melton
The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
I watched Ravager once when it came available on video. Didn't think too much of it, "kind of boring" I remember. But with this re-watch (now knowing not to expect an action filled sci-fi gorefest), I have to conclude it's actually not that bad. For one thing, the film keeps things consistent (in terms of characters & setting). The story is simple: a cargo craft with some civilians crashes on a deserted island. This island happens to be the storage place of nuclear waste material. While in search for precious raw materials to repair their ship, the crew members stumble upon classified canisters containing the "Ravager" bacteria. Of course, one of the things starts leaking and infects a crew member. Once infected, you become all rabid & blistery, gain great strength while somehow still retaining some form of intelligence. The film starts off fine, especially with presenting us some at least mildly interesting passengers (with a brief background), each having their own reason to be on this flight. But sadly, not all of those characters are developed very well (some of them are merely established and never developed at all). Bruce Payne & Yancy Butler are the capable leads in this flick (both their characters bringing their own history to the game). Juliet Landau's character (a clone) at times strikes a philosophical note similar to the way those replicants in "Blade Runner" did, so at least that was a nice touch. Sadly, somewhere around the mid-part, the film looses a lot of steam. Near the end, they pick things up again with a fight for survival between the remaining crew members and those infected. The CGI sfx of vehicles, space crafts & landscapes are amusing to watch. It all looks fake, obviously, but it also looks like it was the best they could do with their modest budgetary means. So no harm done and in the end "Ravager" turned out an okay way to pass 90 minutes.
Very poor special fx (surely made by 1 person in his garage on his PC during a 1 week vacancy), catastrophic storyline (zombie, spaceship, nice chick, and a bit of this ravaging liquid ...), under the ground decoration (surely they filmed in the garden of the guy who did the special FX), and bad acting !Well this is a must see, because you'll never see anything as bad as this film. If your video renter can provide you this film, don't hesistate to rent a second one to watch after this one. I've had a big big laugh watching it with friends, but be careful because I don't think this film was supposed to be comic.
good sci-fi if you you're a sci-fi fanatic. movie starts out with 7 people embarking on a 8 hr. flight from U.S. to Asia in the near future aboard a near space altitude ship.... this wore out ship soon crashes in a wasteland near an old dumpsite for the "ravager" bio-weapon cannisters... one crew member is exposed to the virus(duh...what else?) in a small quake.and becomes sort of a zombie...old story line here....with the single minded intent of passing the virus to others.... why??..of course the virus must have a mind of its own...well 2 of the 7 manage to escape at the end...probably exposed the virus...headed for civilization like they're home free...maybe a sequel is in store this time with a large population exposed to make things interesting..