Rats: Night of Terror

1986 "Mutants of a nuclear disaster"
4.7| 1h37m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 21 February 1986 Released
Producted By: Beatrice Film
Country: Italy
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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One hundred years after a nuclear war has devastated the planet, society has been reborn into two factions; the underground society and the scavangers above in the wastelands. A group of scavangers on bikes come across a town infested with flesh eating rats, and soon the gore is spilling everywhere.

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Claudio Fragasso, Bruno Mattei

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Beatrice Film


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Rats: Night of Terror Audience Reviews

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
ShellyM This like many Italian post nuclear films of the 1980's is much the same. The characters were bland, but a lot more sympathetic than those in the Final Executioner. They were supposed to be a warrior group, but acted more like wusses - my four pet kitties would take on the rats with more bravery. One, of the character's performance was so hammy, I thought "Are you totally serious?"Diana "I Want To Die!, as if she was giving an overly theatrical performance, rather than acting with a bit of commonsense. Lady, seriously, come on! The male characters really weren't much braver in terms of their fighting ability. Having said that, I liked Kurt, Taurus and Chocolate
Chase_Witherspoon In a post-apocalyptic setting, a gang of nomads enter an abandoned building only to discover it inhabited by rodents with an insatiable appetite for human flesh. What starts out looking like another tired 'new gladiators' instalment soon emerges as a claustrophobic ten little Indian tale where the characters must battle both one another and the omnipresence of vengeful rats on the warpath. The fearless leader Kurt combats challenges from within, as the incessantly irritable Duke persistently tries to undermine his control over the group, all the while Kurt and his fellow actors are pelted with rats by off camera stage crew.Curiously reminiscent of a stage production, the characters will often gather together in shot and deliver their lines in succession before a distant noise startles them into collective panic. The dialogue is stilted but suits the wooden acting, a weakness that can't be attributed to the dubbing. Full frontal nudity earns the film its R rating, briefly assuming the mantle until the infamous sleeping bag scene (ouch). Amid the dissent and panic, one of the characters (earlier defined as the cerebral thinker and oracle of all knowledge) delivers an epitaph that could apply equally to both the deceased characters he laments, and the film itself when he utters the immortal line "they had such a terrible finish". At least it's finished for them; the audience will have to endure.Make-up effects are confronting at times, though they do often fall short of realism, opting instead for shock value as witnessed by the asinine decapitation scene which resembles an accident in a mannequin factory. And as usual, the poor old rats (no doubt selected for their rare thespian talents), end up being kicked, gassed, barbecued, shot and one even knocked out by a beer tankard. At least they have the last laugh.
pictomancer This film is so bad, that it's just laughable. It is absolutely terrible compared to most films, but it should definitely not be avoided. Films like this could probably take over the comedy genre.On post-apocalyptic Earth, some human survivors (from the 70's apparently) stupidly claim dominion over a tiny town, where they discover a lot of flesh-eaten corpses. Lo and behold, they discover that the resident rats are hostile, and naturally, people start dying in ridiculous ways.The rats are so nonthreatening, you might wonder if you're partially blind and missing some terrifying special effect. But no fear, this film's most technical special effect is some rat silhouettes on a conveyor belt. The acting is pretty atrocious with hideous overacting and trashy dubbing. The characters are so stupidly idiotic, you wonder how they managed to survive nuclear war while the intelligent people perished. We have the dumbest leader ever (who sets his comrades on fire if they have a few rats on them), an equally stupid guy who decides that he wants charge of the group, a blonde who WILL NOT STOP SCREAMING, a black woman (quite offensively named Chocolate) who threatens to shoot people with a spike, a technical nerd (named Video) who thinks machines have balls, a heroine who falls fatally ill after a few rat scratches (or rats jumping on her basically), a Mohawk-headed guy who speaks in cliché foreboding (which he learned from a book), an ugly pallid drunk who gets annoyed when he can't get laid, a freaky big-eyed girl with a leather studded corset,Halloween Dracula cape and top hat on (UGH!) and (unfortunately) a few other idiots too.Despite this idiocy in the film's plot, characters and premise, the gore effects are relatively decent but the film's general crappiness gives one the feeling of a zombie movie that is missing the zombies. I collect old controversial horror films (mostly Italian horrors) and I've seen some pretty silly stuff, but this film took the biscuit completely out of my hands. The only thing we're left with is the hilarity of the film's events and once you've seen the ending, I wouldn't be surprised if your rectum prolapses from the laughter.Final word: Don't expect a masterpiece, but wallow in the film's sheer stupidity.
Seb From the badly written introduction at the start of the film we learn the nukes have dropped and everyone has hidden underground. Rebels decide to go back to the living on the surface.Basically what you've got is a very Italian looking gang with bikes and clapped out cars who find a town with food and fresh water. It turns out the town is infested with rats. So far you've got the makings of a really entertaining movie.Unfortunately, the rats don't seem that keen on getting involved. They know this is an Italian production and that Italian movies couldn't give a damn about the animals involved so they are wisely cowering from the actors, or at best completely indifferent. This is most noticeable in the scene when they are trying to get up some stairs and the rats are trying to get away from them. You can shout that the rats are after you as much as you like, the viewer can see this isn't the case. The cardboard cut out rats used to represent a swarm are just funny and it's clear that rats are being thrown at the actors periodically. Unless you're completely callous you'll be rooting for the rats to at least survive the movie and completely ignoring the threadbare plot.I think they should have just made a few giant rat heads and used those, it would have looked rubbish but it would have at least allowed them to simulate some kind of danger. I love bad movies in general but I didn't find this one at all funny really, it's just another Italian movie that looks promising but goes nowhere and drags on and on.At least they put some effort into the ending, silly though it was.