You won't be disappointed!
Sorry, this movie sucks
Nice effects though.
Lack of good storyline.
Oh, I thought, that's an interesting title. It's guaranteed to be some cheesy rip-off of the Romero films. When I received the film, though, was I in for a letdown. I think this film was shot on a video camera, it was so wretched. A guy investigates murders at a local factory and finds out that it is due to zombies or something. I didn't know. The clip they showed from THE THREE STOOGES was better than the entire film in this case. Endless shots of a guy walking around or driving his car do not a movie make.It was so hard to sit through, I nearly had to stop it, but I battled it through to the ending, where the film nearly redeems itself by having a fight between humans and zombies at an abandoned factory. Even this falls flat by having atrocious camera-work. The one good thing in the film is the incredibly bad special effects of a laser gun a young boy has (which, incidentally, fries his hamster - something I wasn't too happy about). I think they drew on the film. This no-budget dud is one of the most wretched films you'll ever see.
Investigative reporter Morgan Randall (Robert Deveau) discovers that crazy Dr. Kapek (Leonard Corman) is bringing the dead back to life; when his friend Shelly (Donna Asali) is abducted by Kapek's reanimated corpses, Morgan launches a rescue attempt with the help of elderly physician Dr. Carstairs (Robert Allen), a useless armed guard, and an irritating kid (porn-star-to-be Scott Schwartz) who has constructed a pair of ray-guns from an old laser-disc player.I'm pretty tolerant when it comes to Z-grade movies, having seen more than my fair share of absolute stinkers over the years, but I still had to watch Raiders of the Living Dead over the course of several evenings thanks to its incredible ability to rapidly send me off to sleep. Atrocious acting, boring direction, disjointed editing, an over-reliance on The 3 Stooges, and particularly dreadful laser effects all go to make this a truly painful viewing experience that is only spared the absolute lowest rating from me thanks to one shotgun blast to a zombie head (it's not great but it's definitely the highlight of this tosh) and the film's hilariously bad '80s theme song.
Some people said this movie is a B-type of movie that others may like.... NOPE WRONG!!!! This movie doesn't even have the redeeming quality of a B-movie this movie is a steamy pile of dog**** This movie puts the "B" in boring... Its almost upsetting, someone in the cutting room would consider this to be anything besides ****, what the hell was the director trying to do here? Its not even like when a movie is so bad, its a laugh etc..Like I said, no redeeming quality, its just ****Its very simple, if you like to watch paint dry... then you'll love this movie.Scott should have never agreed to doing this heaping pile of crap. I don't know what his management or Scott was thinking..I'm forced to give it 1 star, when I would give it -5 stars.
Matthew Young
I have seen a lot of movies, I have even seen a lot of sci-fi original movies and this BY FAR is the absolute worst piece of trash I have had the displeasure of wasting and hour and a half of precious time on. This is one of those movies that as you are watching you are just thinking to yourself "could this be real, did someone actually think this was a good or even okay movie?" It started out fun and I could laugh at every ridiculous nuance of this sorry movie but around the hour mark I was completely lost and completely miserable.The actors appear to be people related to the director or just someone he grabbed off the street, large portions of the plot go unexplained and the movie jumps from half baked idea to the next, some scenes are so dark you can't hardly even tell what is going on, and every scene is filled with gaping grand canyon sized plot holes. I just watched it a few hours ago and it would be hard for to explain to someone what exactly it was about. The nonsensical knockoff title doesn't help either, I can just see the directors now "let's take the titles of two good movies and combine them." Raiders of the Lost Ark + Night of the Living Dead= Raiders of the Living Dead. Brilliant, forget the fact that No One actually raids the living dead in this movie.I am not exaggerated one bit. This is undoubtedly the worst movie I have ever seen and the only reason I would ever even try and watch it again would be to prove to someone I wasn't lying about how bad it really is.