Pulse 2: Afterlife

3.4| 1h29m| R| en| More Info
Released: 30 September 2008 Released
Producted By: Dimension Extreme
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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The world has been reshaped by the invasion of ghosts via the wireless internet. Cities are deserted, technology has been destroyed and the few remaining human beings eschew anything electrical in order to avoid a confrontation with the soulless ghosts that now wander the planet. Most of the ghosts are doomed to a repetitive loop of something they did while they were still despairing humans (a man repeatedly hangs himself, for example), but there are some ghosts so locked in denial, they do not know they are dead. They continue to haunt their homes, wrapped in fear that their souls will soon be torn from them.

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Joel Soisson

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Dimension Extreme


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Pulse 2: Afterlife Audience Reviews

Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Klovemovies Well here is the sequel to the remake of the korean movie Kairo. As if the first one was bad enough dimension went on to make two more pulse films DTV. Lets first look at the positives the story sounds good and promising it takes off where the first one left off (except with nobody from the first one) the dead have found a way back to our world- through cell phones and WiFi- and the human survivors have take to remote ares to escape, when a young girl ends up missing, both her mom and dad cross the infected city in search of her. It also has a great start with the red man (this guy wearing all red to keep the ghosts from getting him)walking out of his apartment through an ally to the street you see some of the few ghosts and near dead people that this movie has to offer, then its gets slowwwwwwwwwwwwww........ yeah very slow and one of the most irritating things about this movie other than the acting, and lack of common sense the characters have the CGI o my goodness were they really serious like this looks just fine? I continue to ask myself in disbelief cause of how much this makes my head hurt is how did they even this this would be OK i'd say about 80+% percent of the screen time is green screened, i mean even the backyard scene was cgi the trees all of the area and walking through the house all fake and its so obvious. There is nudity if it matters to you I mean the chick is OK she has a nice body but its got the black stuff anyways so it gets gross very quickly. Thats about it cause this movie is just plain boring it has a lot going for it but falls flat on its face terrible terrible movie i don't recommend it even if you liked the first one this movie is terrible. And as far as the third one goes i have not seen it yet i probably will just because i am the type of guy to finish what he starts. And i bet there will be a 4th and 5th this series isn't over yet
Nick Damian OK...everybody who writes scripts can have bad days...bad ideas, lack of creativity, a blockage of something to make the story good or better.This is a travesty.Who thinks of a movie like this, then actually films it and then believes that a 3rd of the series should be made? This is not Back To The Future and in no ways should there have been a second or a third portion of this movie made.While the music and camera work was alright, the story was a ruin.It's stupid, it's pointless, it's boring. I need not write much more.The third portion of this movie is even worse...how can that be? How can a film with a 25 million dollar budget as this is to have had - be this bad? I love movies - I can watch them almost 24 hours a day...but then there comes a time when after watching 3 or 4 movies in a row that are just horrible as a finished product, they become quite sickening to watch.Not because they are scary, but because they are just crap - like this is and like the one following it is.There's art, there's entertainment and there's just garbage - and this entire series falls into the garbage pile.What could have been a really cool concept is stretched out into a 3 part series of nothing.This is the review and it's more entertaining than the movie.Yes, this is a retarded movie - and to watch it makes you one.
Rabh17 When I rated "Pulse I", I had two bad impressions:1-- Characters I did not care about.2-- Failure to breathe the expectation of terror into the premise of the Dead coming back through our communications Technology.Pulse II made a good try. The Characters, this time around, were people the audience was supposed to connect with-- unlike the first movie which focused on a couple of vapid cardboard college students.This time, it's a family that is caught up in the on-going emergency created by the undead communications plague. A little girl, her mother and father have been separated-- both by the plague and by marital strife.Problem: the movie begins moving with these long camera shots of a woman crying and whinging through the remains of her shattered life and wondering where her little girl is. Now-- for a guy looking at a horror movie-- we're waiting for the whinging to be ended by something bloody and scarifying. Instead, she goes on and on and on until it becomes just annoying to watch and hear. What's her problem? Is she a Moron? Hello, Lady-- we know about the female penchant to be dazed and Confused and Whiney at the End of the World-- but JEEZ!! THEN we get the picture! OHH. SHE'S DEAD!That's alright then-- but the movie should have clued us in that TWENTY MINUTES AGO!!!!!Okay-- mystery cleared up. But the movie fails to pick up the pace. Enter the Father and the equally clueless brat-- Excuse me-- adorable daughter. In fact, Daddy is clueless as his dead wife. I mean, in the middle of a catastrophe caused by the Dead invading the world through Cellphone and the Internet-- you figure a GUY would know that poking at an email program with your crazy dead wife on the other side is like--SUICIDE?!?!? Well DOH! Even the tramp girlfriend knew better!!The failing here, again, was the the inability to create a sense of terror in the notion that the dead are lurking behind every electronic On/Off switch. The sight of a blinking light on a Laptop should instill dread and expectation. Instead-- it's turned on because Idiot Dad humps tramp girlfriend and bumps the table. And Now, it's connecting to the WIFI signal. The viewer just rolls his eyes. Ooooooh Scary! Pop a finger out your mouth, whirl it in the air and make the appropriate expletive we all know. Besides, even when we're in the City, we WISH we could get a WIFI signal that fast!! SO we KNOW it's unreal fantasy!!A Half score. A near failure only because the first one was a pure failure. Jamie Bamber was wasted here-- unless the director thought that this movie would click with the Chick-Horror-Flick crowd. Again, in the end, we just don't care. Pulse III was on the shelf at Blockbuster when I picked this one up-- it will stay there. I won't even bother if I see it for download. Such a waste of a great scary idea!! WASTED!
Perry Mercer (Blackace) I was hoping that the sequel would continue where the first movie left off so we could get to a final ending. As we know the first movie ended with Mattie & Dexter driving down the road to try and find survivors. Well this sequel, isn't even a real sequel. It's basically the same story, but with a different cast. The soulless ghost have taken over the city. We find a women searching for her child who she believe may have been taken by a soulless ghost. She finds the little girl with her father, but there's a twist. The women is actually a soulless ghost and she's out for revenge against her husband. The story is really a mess and it looks like the production people couldn't afford to film is many locations. At least half the film is green screened images of towns, fields and cities. It's gotta be the worse green screening you've every seen. Everything looks washed out and fake. It's like you just woke up and have sleep in your eyes and the world around you is unclear.The whole movie is a slow bore. Both me and my wife fell asleep several times while trying to watch it. The ending had a nice little twist, but it was a little to late, as most people would have probably removed the DVD from the player before that part. The acting is terrible. Everyone walks around like zombies and speak like they just walked into the movie and don't know what's going on. Jamie Bamber who is excellent in Battlestar Galactica, is horrible in this movie. It's like he forgot how to act or just got very poor directions from the director. The other actors and actresses are worse then he is.Stay far away from this garbage. Like a fool I actually bought this crap and will try my best to get rid of it on Ebay with a large collection of other crappy movies I own. If you must see this movie, wait for it to come on cable, if ever it does. Don't waste your money renting it. You've been warned. I give this film a 2 out of 10, and that's actually generous. I can't believe they made a Pulse 3 after this movie. More garbage.