Very Cool!!!
So much average
If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Possible spoilers.Only gave it a 1 because 0 was not available. Bad acting. Bad writing.Why would a Christian family have debt on a farm after 3 generations? Why would a farmer fail to repair a combine worth several hundred thousand dollars DURING HARVEST SEASON? How can you think you're dating someone that (spoiler)announces his engagement to another? Bad.
After watching Princess Cut it looked like I was watching a 21st century version of the Waltons. This Anderson family is part of a dying breed, owners and operators of a family farm. More and more folks like the Andersons are just tenants for conglomerates like Archer,Daniels,Midland.A case of normal jitters involving a young girl Ashley Bratcher not sure if she wants to marry Joseph Gray and things not going quite to her romantic expectations gets blown up into a big old drama settled by Gray spending time on the Anderson farm with her parents and brothers and getting to know their Christian faith.It's sweet and saccharine and much ado about nothing.
Elisa Micchichè
I liked the fact that the movie has Christian elements in it. To find a person to share your life with is indeed a blessing. Nowadays, most people forget Christian values especially when it comes to find your soulmate. It is sad to see how many girls surrender to the 'wishes' of their boyfriends or how they sell or change themselves just to be loved. Only one thing bothered me very much...the role of the mother. She was passive and had not much to say when her daughter needed advice. Instead she and her daughter went to the father to 'share his wisdom'. I mean...really??? Is she that dumb or is it just the fact that Christianity is coupled with a traditional female role? A woman that cleans up the house, cooks for the family and submits to her husband, whatever he says??? Of course, it's good to have a father or a husband that protects you...but it let's not forget that he doesn't always know what is right for you, he is also just human. Also the Christian Religion is evolving and the presented values are puritan.