Good movie but grossly overrated
Tayyab Torres
Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Kaelan Mccaffrey
Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Mathilde the Guild
Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
I have loved zombie films for over 30 yrs but this p.o.s. took 5 sittings to get through. I've seen some bad ones over the years but this one takes the prize as the 'Worst Movie I Own' (& that's saying something for a collection that includes several Jess Franco films & 1986's Raiders Of The Living Dead). I kept hoping that it would become so bad as to become kind of funny...but no such luck (I should have realised how bad this film was gonna be when I found myself checking the running time remaining only 8 minutes in). There's no need for a Spoiler Alert - you'll want to forget this film while you're actually watching it, never mind later. Avoid like an open barrel of 245-Trioxin.
OK, I will start with the good things about this movie, what little there are. Well, the story, while kind of a mess, was kind of interesting, the zombie platoon leaders looked pretty cool... trying to think of something else... um... there's some gut munching here and there... uh.... err..... yah, I think that's it.Now the bad, I personally felt the movie's biggest crime was just being downright boring. There is not a single memorable thing about this movie. You watch it, it passes you by, and that's it. There really weren't enough zombies, just people standing and talking and arguing.That's not to say there isn't a fair amount of stupid stuff as well. You could tell all of the weapons were toys. There's one scene where a character named Sargent Butler (Tom Stedham) tries to rape a female character but is caught, the other characters beat him up a little and ask him to apologize... yah, sorry but I don't think I would want him in the house anymore, and the scene where Sargent Butler starts shootin' up some zombies in the garage, was just a joke.Also, if you're getting your guts munched by zombies, please try not to smile.Let's face it, this is an SOV movie, nine times out of ten the special effects are going to be bad, so I wasn't really bothered by that.Bottom line: A dull, bland, boring, stale, unmemorable, mundane, tiring, insipid, stupid, trite, lifeless (pun intended) zombie movie with nothing to offer (thank goodness for the thesaurus). If you are bored and looking for something to watch, you will find no relief watching this.
Alright. First off. This movie is called Platoon of the Dead, that should be a dead giveaway about it's quality. As Bad movies go, it is Obvious that it is intentionally bad, and in that, they get a 5.You want bad that was trying to be good? Watch the 4th Crow movie. That movie enraged me.This Movie make me laugh. Just because it is so terrible, but on purpose.Mind you, You Have to Enjoy very bad movies to like this.If you want another Terrible film Look for Death Factory.This movie is Star wars compared to that, and hey they have the Blasters in this one. Woo, Jedi zombie slayers in cameo!
Some movies can be saved by the judicious display of naked female breasts. This movie isn't one of them. This was an interesting idea poorly executed.There are so many errors it's hard to know where to start, so I'll start at the beginning. The first person we see is a soldier sleeping in the woods. When he wakes we notice he's an unarmed combat engineer. He has a major's gold leaf on his collar. When he meets another soldier, he is addressed as "Private."I understand no one's perfect, but why make such an idiotic mistake so early in the movie?This major/private who seems to be afraid of his own shadow, has jump wings. Not all paratroopers are brainless brutes, but few of them are so wet-behind-the-ears they run from the enemy without taking their weapons.This movie would have to improve significantly to compete with anything by Ed Wood.The music was reasonably well done.