I thought this movie was well done and interesting. The characters were also fairly well done. Now for the spoiler..*SPOILER*I get that the husband was a pretty sorry, useless person in that situation. He let his wife down on more than one occasion and when the going got tough was going to kill himself and leave her behind. But in the end he was trying to save them. She was hurt, I get that, but he begged and pleaded with her to MOVE. She wouldn't move. So he decided he wanted to live, left her the pistol, and started walking away.. only to have her SHOOT him? WFF? If she was too hurt to move, how is it she suddenly has the strength to shoot him and walk away unaided? I liked her character up to that point and I thought that twist at the end really took away from the movie.
I have pretty much spelled out much of what happens in movie so don't read if you want to watch this, well, whatever it was...I rated this 1 even though it is probably, if stretched, worth a 3, which I would have given if not for the need I felt to counter the clearly subjective ratings obviously given by the filmmakers friends and family. You are taking away the integrity of IMDb by giving such biased, and clearly undeserved ratings. I understand you need to support your loved ones, but if your rating cannot be anywhere near objective, then IMO you shouldn't rate it at all. You have no integrity yourselves by doing this and are not fooling anyone. (One of the directors brothers, by his own admission, reviews the film, gives it an 8/10 but claims he is being completely "impartial".) Sure you were buddy! We believe you...Now, onto the review. My summary pretty much says it all so I'll spurt off some examples of the utter moronic script and whatever they thought was a plot.Group want to be as inconspicuous as possible, so what does one character do? Yells and screams out in the open at the top of his lungs! Not once, not twice, but several times! Yep, that's logical! Same character jumps in car and before even turning the ignition starts muttering "come on, come on!", while rocking back and forth in the seat as if he's been trying forever. Just very poor directing!Skipping ahead we have the rapist and his victim have a scuffle resulting in a plate being broken, her husband comes in upon hearing this and asks if everything is OK. Rapist says all is fine, just an accident, wife is shaking like a leaf and looks like a scared rabbit, husband shrugs it off and walks away outside. Yeah, great script there! Very natural, I say with a big dose of sarcasm... Nothing much happens, as is with the entire film really, but more illogical tripe, as when rapist drags mans wife off, after the husband has a gun to his chest, all after finding out he lied and quite possibly murdered a family he claimed was his, and watches her disappear with rapist inside. What does husband do? Does he pick up the nearby axe and sneak up and save his wife from being raped? Of course not, because that would be the normal and logical response! No, husband instead crawls up in a ball on the ground like a retard, crying like a girl. We get to watch him doing this for around 60 seconds! 60 seconds of illogical nothing! Skipping ahead, rapist shoots the mans wife. Yup, anyway, driving along, in need of gas, sees a farm house, nope, not worth a second look, because being out in the middle of nowhere and in need of supplies, including gas, would be way too logical and natural of a response to investigate said house, so of course they run out of gas. Zombies approaching, man begs wife to get up ,she refuses, man has no choice but to abandon her, so logically she shoots him in leg as he walks away. Yep, zero sense, absolutely mind boggling. The logical way to get the point across that she needed him all that time to step up for her, would be for her to accept his help when he actually started to do what she wanted all along! But inexplicably she decides it better to grievously wound him instead. Like I said, mind bogglingly dumb, illogical and desperate failure!10 stars indeed! Yeah right!