Undescribable Perfection
Best movie ever!
A Surprisingly Unforgettable Movie!
A different way of telling a story
jeff carroll
It was my good fortune to attend a Gabriel concert in 1980 just after he had left Genesis and embarked on a solo tour in the town of Taunton, England. What luck to travel 1/2 a world and find him. Even more astonishing to sit in a darkened theatre and exchange words with a latecomer over the concert and the support act and when the lights went up to discover it was Peter himself as he rose from the seat to take his place on the stage. It was memorable for a stripped down stage show, a baby who wailed at an appropriate moment in Mother of Violence, and a rapturous applause from the audience for the show. From that to this, full on stage effects, marvelous music, astounding camera work, and don't i just love the way that Peter does not hog the show. What an extraordinary group of musicians he has and how they enjoy each other and playing the music. You Europeans are damn lucky to get to go, pity us down the bottom of the world 12500 miles away, But this DVD brings them into your room, and as Jon Anderson sings 'It's almost like being there' .Oh yes! Go you bald men go. Glad Peter joined Tony and David in the head department, and now the drummer as well.
I am not a fan of concert videos at all. I feel they can not provide anywhere near the amount of energy one gets from a live show, and since all concerts are designed for the stimulation of the live audience, most video/dvd concerts fall rather flat.This, however, is one of those rare viewing experiences that transcends the medium. Gabriel weaves so much stimulation into his concerts that you can't help but be impacted by all the happenings. Etched forever in my mind is his performance of "Come Talk To Me," which might be one of the most intense and passionate performances ever captured on film/video/anything.If you're not a Peter Gabriel fan, watch this and you will be. If you're a Peter Gabriel fan and you haven't seen this, then you're not the fan you think you are. Almost a religous experience.
I have seen this video so many times, I've almost memorized it. Peter Gabriel is one of the best artists to ever exist. With his scratchy voice and haunting lyrics, it almost makes you want to cry, he's so good! He is such a talented musician, and I wish more people would realize that. The only thing is...this video NEEDS TO BE ON DVD! Does anyone know if they are ever going to release a DVD, and if they are, when?
A vast improvement over the concert film from the "SO" tour, which ruined the spectacle of Peter's stage show by unwise camera work (mostly by pulling in for close ups during a stage show designed for a wide view, as well as cutting away from the stage show entirely.)Like most concert films, it's essentially for fans only - why else would you want to see a concert? - but fans should do what they can to get their hands on a copy. Terrific arrangements and embellishments to some of Peter's best material.