Paranormal Activity

2007 "What Happens When You Sleep?"
6.3| 1h26m| R| en| More Info
Released: 14 September 2007 Released
Producted By: Blumhouse Productions
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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After a young, middle-class couple moves into what seems like a typical suburban house, they become increasingly disturbed by a presence that may or may not be demonic but is certainly the most active in the middle of the night.


Horror, Mystery

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Oren Peli

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Blumhouse Productions


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Paranormal Activity Audience Reviews

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
GazerRise Fantastic!
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
torstensonjohn A simple and extremely low budgeted film that will raise the hairs on the back of your neck. Shot with nothing less than a panoramic camcorder we take a voyeuristic ride into the spirited paranormal.A couple are terrorized by an unseen force. First, they try to film it - then they fight to stay alive. The one thing that stands out to me is over and over again they keep doing the same thing, waiting way to long to call ANY other demonologist or exorcist. I was tremendously surprised the film had solid editing and the two actors were amazingly realistic in their approach.Each time the film transitions from day to night the footage switches, not being hand held but to stationary on tripod, but to the same static bedroom shot. Because the camera never moves, you're encouraged to scrutinize every single shadow. Your eyes will pick up every sense of that room. When your senses are heightened to that extent, any sudden moves deliver twice the force. By any means this is not an OSCAR film but in sequence that relishes the mind and senses of horror. Next time you hear something go bump in the night, there's a chance - just a chance - that thoughts will turn to that static bedroom... and a hint of something moving. I give it a solid 6/10
oliviapersson If you enjoy watching horror movies like I do you will love this one. If I watch a horror movie I want to be scared and have a hard time falling asleep, I don't want to forget it after one day. That's why this is a great horror film. I remembered when I was around 15 and couldn't even see half of it because it was too scary for me, but watching it now when I'm 20 it's still scary but I can barely see the whole movie. Things I love in this movie is the way they are filming it "homemade style" it makes it a lot more real and gets me feeling like it actually could happen. Everything something scary happens in this film I ether jump, look away or shiver which is exactly how you should feel while watching a horror movie!
yourfavoritecritic Paranormal Activity, originally shot in 2006, didn't get a mainstream release until October of 2009 when Paramount Pictures bought the film. Paranormal Activity is an interesting movie, now although most people know the series today as the shaky, found footage film, that is about ghosts and demonic possessions, without ever actually showing it, the series started from humble beginnings. The first couple entries had to be demanded for, if Paranormal Activity wasn't playing at your local theatre you had to visit a website and ask for it to be played there, it was almost like a crowd funded movie before sites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo were a thing. Made for around $15,000 and shot entirely in director's, Oren Peli's house, Paranormal Activity tells the story of Katie and Micah, a young couple living together who find themselves experiencing nightly disturbances for inexplicable reasons. One word that could sum not just this film, but the series as whole, is polarizing. As the first Paranormal Activity was growing in popularity, the film was heavily advertised as one of the scariest movies of all time, that in and of itself creates false pretence as it couldn't be farther from the truth. I do not consider myself much of a believer in the paranormal, so that may have tampered my experience with the film, nevertheless I can understand why someone would be frightened by this movie, however it is definitely not a horrific movie. It's totally easy to see why many people are so divided about this series, one side views the movies as a realistic depiction of paranormal occurrences and the other just sees a bunch of people shaking a camera around and slamming doors for an hour and a half. I consider pretty neutral with the issue, there are moments where certain events do get under my skin, however thinking back to it I realize how stupid it is. Now the first Paranormal Activity movie plays out almost like a psychological thriller, a lot is left up the imagination and you see the effect of the events taking a toll on the characters. There isn't a lot that happens in the movie, the viewer is basically confined to the house for the entire runtime and you do a lot of analyzing, asking yourself "is that shadowy figure, or is it my imagination?", "did that lamp just move or am I going insane?", and this is probably where my biggest issue arises from. I've seen Paranormal Activity a handful of times, and each viewing I keep a careful eye trying to see if I can pick up on any background things, however every time, I come up with nothing. For a movie that heavily relies on the viewer examining what's going on, there just isn't a lot there. You'd think that with a movie about a ghostly haunting that features these long drawn out scenes, the filmmakers would include subtle activity in the background to create even more of a frightening experience. Sadly they don't, and everything you get is at face value. Other problems that face the movie are, the acting, slow scenes, badly improvised dialogue, odd cuts, etc, most of these issues are constricted to the screenplay and low budget, so some of it is forgivable. Overall Paranormal Activity isn't a horrible film by any stretch of the imagination, it's easy to see both sides of the argument, however I lean more towards it being a pretty decent time. It's a watchable film that does have some good scenes of intensity, particularly the hallway scene where Micah uses baby powder, that was definitely an effective sequence that did get under my skin. As with most films it isn't perfect and it's not something I can recommend to everybody, you have to know what you're getting yourself into and although I was never frightened by it, I do enjoy watching this movie from time-to-time, so for the reason I'm giving Paranormal Activity a 6/10.
Harrison Tweed (Top Dawg) I don't compare an amateur/indie film with C-list actors to a blockbuster big production film with A-list actors! It's like comparing an Olympic runner to a retired old man that goes for regular walks. Clearly we know who is better, faster, and more qualified to win! You compare each in their own class, or in the case of rating a film, on it's own merits.You also look at who backed any film (big production company=big $$$ for a better film) and the key individuals involved in the production (director, writer, etc..). This film had no big backing and only a 2+ million dollar budget - and should not be compared to a 200+ million dollar film.This little gem was done by an all amateur cast and production on a 15k budget, and went on to make over 350 million. Nuff said! 10/10!